Specimen Data Used In

El Zein, H., and M. Bou Dagher-Kharrat. 2021. New records of vascular plants for the flora of Lebanon: a rare species rediscovered after seventy years, Daphne pontica L. (Thymelaeaceae), and three new occurrences, Atropa bella-donna L. (Solanaceae), Circaea lutetiana L. (Onagraceae), and Euonymus latifolius (L.) Mill. (Celastraceae). Check List 17: 655–667. https://doi.org/10.15560/17.2.655

Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected identified Daphne pontica L. Chytrý,Kryštof & Kalníková,V.|Chytrý,Kryštof & Kalníková,V. s.n. [2017-07-04] Iter georgicum anno 2017 8 Kryštof Chytrý & Veronika Kalníková 2017-07-04 Thymelaeaceae BRNU 671186 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN