Collected Poaceae and identified Poaceae
Collected Cisticolidae and identified Fabaceae
Collected Myrtaceae and identified Myodocarpaceae
Collected Araceae and identified Araceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Lamiaceae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Fabaceae
Collected Araceae and identified Araceae
Collected Orchidaceae and identified Pteridaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Tenrecidae and identified Herpestidae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Apocynaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Ranunculaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Plagiochilaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Melastomataceae
Collected Apocynaceae and identified Apocynaceae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Fabaceae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Acanthaceae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Acanthaceae
Collected Bignoniaceae
Collected Acrididae and identified Anthocerotaceae
Collected Melastomataceae and identified Cyclanthaceae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Lejeuneaceae
Collected Rubiaceae and identified Fabaceae