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Carlo Luigi Giuseppe Bertero
Carlo Luigi Giuseppe Bertero

October 14, 1789 – April 1831

Kingdom of Sardinia


Collected Asteraceae and identified Ricciaceae

Rudolf Amandus Philippi
Rudolf Amandus Philippi

September 14, 1808 – July 23, 1904



Collected Asteraceae and identified Poaceae

Eduard Friedrich Poeppig
Eduard Friedrich Poeppig

July 16, 1798 – September 04, 1868

Kingdom of Saxony


Collected Asteraceae and identified Orchidaceae

Gottlob Ludwig Rabenhorst
Gottlob Ludwig Rabenhorst

March 22, 1806 – April 24, 1881

Kingdom of Prussia


Collected Pucciniaceae and identified Jungermanniaceae