Science Enabled by Specimen Data
Liu, H., X. Feng, Y. Zhao, G. Lv, C. Zhang, Aruhan, T.-A. Damba, et al. 2024. Pharmacophylogenetic relationships of genus Dracocephalum and its related genera based on multifaceted analysis. Frontiers in Pharmacology 15.
The Lamiaceae genus Dracocephalum, with over 30 species, is believed to have considerable medicinal properties and is widely used in Eurasian ethnomedicine. Numerous studies have researched on the geographical distribution, metabolite identification, and bioactivity of Dracocephalum species, especially amidst debates concerning the taxonomy of its closely related genera Hyssopus and Lallemantia. These discussions present an opportunity for pharmacophylogenetic studies of these medicinal plants. In this review, we collated extensive literature and data to present a multifaceted view of the geographical distribution, phylogenetics, phytometabolites and chemodiversity, ethnopharmacological uses, and pharmacological activities of Dracocephalum, Hyssopus, and Lallemantia. We found that these genera were concentrated in Europe, with species adapted to various climatic zones. These genera shared close phylogenetic relationships, with Dracocephalum and Hyssopus displaying intertwined patterns in the phylogenetic tree. Our review assessed more than 900 metabolites from these three genera, with terpenoids and flavonoids being the most abundant. Researchers have recently identified novel metabolites within Dracocephalum, expanding our understanding of its chemical constituents. Ethnopharmacologically, these genera have been traditionally used for treating respiratory, liver and gall bladder diseases. Extracts and metabolites from these genera exhibit a range of pharmacological activities such as hepatoprotective, anti-inflammation, antimicrobial action, anti-hyperlipidaemia, and anti-tumour properties. By integrating phylogenetic analyses with network pharmacology, we explored the intrinsic links between metabolite profiles, traditional efficacy, and modern pharmacology of Dracocephalum and its related genera. This study contributes to the discovery of potential medicinal value from closely related species of Dracocephalum and aids in the development and sustainable use of medicinal plant resources.
Lombardi, E. M., H. Faust, and H. E. Marx. 2024. Synthesizing historical plant collections to identify priorities for future collection efforts and research applications. Ecosphere 15.
To understand how and where biodiversity is threatened, it is imperative to build historical baselines that accurately characterize the present and past states of biodiversity across environments. Botanical collections provide important ecological, evolutionary, and biogeographic information on the diversity and distributions of plant taxa, yet biases in collection efforts across spatial, temporal, and taxonomic scales are well known. Here, we characterize and quantify trends in botanical collections made from across different abiotic, biotic, and sociopolitical boundaries within the present‐day state of New Mexico. Using a biodiversity informatics approach applied toward a regional case study, we identify opportunities for efficiently improving natural history collection coverage and analyses of botanical diversity. Accurate representation of botanical biodiversity, preserved for future generations through vouchered plant specimens deposited in herbaria, depends on collection decisions made now. This work aims to provide a useful workflow for synthesizing digitized regional botanical collections as researchers prioritize current and future resources in the face of global change.
Zhang, Y., J. Hu, C. Wang, Y. Wang, M. Ji, F. Ma, and Y. Lu. 2024. Estimating global geographical distribution and ecological niche dynamics of Ammannia coccinea under climate change based on Biomod2. Scientific Reports 14.
Invasive alien plants pose a significant threat to biodiversity and the agricultural economy. The invasive weed (Ammannia coccinea) competes with rice in paddy fields, potentially threatening rice production. Despite the crucial need to estimate the global geographical distribution and ecological niche dynamics of A. coccinea for effective early warning, control strategies, and global rice security, relevant research remains scarce. This study utilized the Biomod2 platform, which integrates multiple single models into ensemble model, incorporating environmental and species data to analyze the distribution range shifts of A. coccinea under current and future climate scenarios. It also quantified and analyzed shifts in the species’ ecological niche across these climate scenarios. The results indicated that the potential suitable areas for A. coccinea were mainly in Southern North America, northern and south-eastern South America, south-western Europe, the Middle East, central Africa, western Asia, south-eastern Asia, with a gradual increase in mid-high suitability habitat over time and radiation levels. While the overall ecological niche of A. coccinea remains stable, minor shifts are expected under future conditions. Temperature, precipitation, and the human impact index were the key factors influencing the future distribution of A. coccinea. Climate change contributes to the expansion of A. coccinea's highly suitable areas and shifts its ecological niche. Organizations efforts should focus on preventing the spread of A. coccinea in regions where its potential distribution overlaps with key rice production areas. The findings of this study provide critical insights into the global distribution and ecological niche dynamics of A. coccinea, aiding in the development of early warning and control strategies to mitigate its impact on biodiversity, agriculture, and particularly rice production under future climate scenarios.
Hagelstam-Renshaw, C., J. J. Ringelberg, C. Sinou, W. Cardinal-McTeague, and A. Bruneau. 2024. Biome evolution in subfamily Cercidoideae (Leguminosae): a tropical arborescent clade with a relictual depauperate temperate lineage. Brazilian Journal of Botany 48.
Some plant lineages remain within the same biome over time (biome conservatism), whereas others seem to adapt more easily to new biomes. The c. 398 species (14 genera) of subfamily Cercidoideae (Leguminosae or Fabaceae) are found in many biomes around the world, particularly in the tropical regions of South America, Asia and Africa, and display a variety of growth forms (small trees, shrubs, lianas and herbaceous perennials). Species distribution maps derived from cleaned occurrence records were compiled and compared with existing biome maps and with the literature to assign species to biomes. Rainforest (144 species), succulent (44 species), savanna (36 species), and temperate (10 species) biomes were found to be important in describing the global distribution of Cercidoideae, with many species occurring in more than one biome. Two phylogenetically isolated species-poor temperate ( Cercis ) and succulent ( Adenolobus ) biome lineages are sister to two broadly distributed species-rich tropical clades. Ancestral state reconstructions on a time-calibrated phylogeny suggest biome shifts occurred throughout the evolutionary history of the subfamily, with shifts between the succulent and rainforest biomes, from the rainforest to savanna, from the succulent to savanna biome, and one early occurring shift into (or from) the temperate biome. Of the 26 inferred shifts in biome, three are closely associated with a shift from the ancestral tree/shrub growth form to a liana or herbaceous perennial habit. Only three of the 13 inferred transcontinental dispersal events are associated with biome shifts. Overall, we find that biome shifts tend to occur within the same continent and that dispersals to new continents tend to occur within the same biome, but that nonetheless the biome-conserved and biogeographically structured Cercidoideae have been able to adapt to different environments through time.
Streiff, S. J. R., E. O. Ravomanana, M. Rakotoarinivo, M. Pignal, E. P. Pimparé, R. H. J. Erkens, and T. L. P. Couvreur. 2024. High-quality herbarium-label transcription by citizen scientists improves taxonomic and spatial representation of the tropical plant family Annonaceae. Adansonia 46.
Herbarium specimens provide an important and central resource for biodiversity research. Making these records digitally available to end-users represents numerous challenges, in particular, transcribing metadata associated with specimen labels. In this study, we used the citizen science initiative ‘Les Herbonautes’ and the Récolnat network to transcribe specific data from all herbarium specimen labels stored at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris of the large tropical plant family Annonaceae. We compared this database with publicly available global biodiversity repository data and expert checklists. We investigated spatial and taxonomic advances in data availability at the global and country scales. A total of 20 738 specimens were transcribed over the course of more than two years contributing to and significantly extending the previously available specimen and species data for Annonaceae worldwide. We show that several regions, mainly in Africa and South East Asia not covered by online global datasets, are uniquely available in the P herbarium, probably linked to past history of the museum’s botanical exploration. While acknowledging the challenges faced during the transcription of historic specimens by citizen scientists, this study highlights the positive impact of adding records to global datasets both in space and time. This is illustrative for researchers, collection managers, policy makers as well as funders. These datasets will be valuable for numerous future studies in biodiversity research, including ecology, evolution, conservation and climate change science.
Ovcharova, N. V., M. M. Silantyeva, A. Vaganov, and A. A. Masanina. 2024. Invasion dynamics of Acer negundo L. in ribbon forests of the Altai Krai: ecological impacts and predictive habitat modeling. Altai State University.
This study examines the invasion dynamics of ash-leaved maple (box elder, Acer negundo L.) in the ribbon forests of Altai Krai, Russia, where it has become one of the dominant invasive species over the past thirty years. Originally introduced as an ornamental plant in the early 20th century, A. negundo has rapidly proliferated in lowland, steppe, and forest-steppe regions, significantly impacting local ecosystems. Our research analyzes the ecological and phytocoenotic conditions that facilitate A. negundo's invasion, focusing on its distribution across various ribbon pine forests in the region. Through geobotanical surveys and forest management record analysis, we reveal the species' prevalence in diverse forest types and its effects on biodiversity, tree growth, and community dynamics. Key findings indicate that A. negundo flourishes in disturbed habitats, where it aggressively competes with native flora, suppressing their growth and altering successional pathways. This leads to low-diversity communities increasingly dominated by the invasive species and highlights the exacerbating role of logging and land-use changes. Using predictive modeling techniques, we assessed habitat suitability for A. negundo across Eurasia, identifying temperature as the primary limiting factor for its distribution. The model achieved a high AUC value of 0.97, indicating strong reliability. These findings suggest a significant potential for A. negundo's range expansion throughout Altai Krai, especially in areas with reduced competition from native species. This research underscores the urgent need for effective management strategies to mitigate the effects of A. negundo in Altai Krai and similar regions.
Yang, M., Y. Qi, X. Xian, N. Yang, L. Xue, C. Zhang, H. Bao, and W. Liu. 2025. Coupling phylogenetic relatedness and distribution patterns provides insights into sandburs invasion risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment 958: 177819.
Invasive sandburs (Cenchrus spp.), tropical and subtropical plants, are preferred in grasslands and agricultural ecosystems worldwide, causing significant crop production losses and reducing native biodiversity. Integrating phylogenetic relatedness and potentially suitable habitats (PSHs) to identify areas at risk of invasion is critical for prioritizing management efforts and supporting decisions on early warning and surveillance for sandbur invasions. However, despite risk assessments for individual Cenchrus species, the combined analysis of suitable habitats and phylogenetic relationships remains unclear. Therefore, this study aims to assess the invasion risk regions—including PSHs, species richness (SR), and phylogenetic structure—of eight invasive and potentially invasive sandburs in China, to quantify their niche overlap and identify driving factors. Our results showed that the phylogenetic distance of potentially invasive sandburs was closely related to invasive sandburs. Especially, three potentially invasive sandburs, C. ciliaris, C. setigerus, and C. myosuroides, possessed invasion potential resulting from close phylogenetic relatedness and high climatic suitability compared with invasive sandburs. The PSHs for invasive sandburs were distributed in wider regions except northwest China and had higher suitability to different environmental conditions. Potentially invasive sandburs were primarily located in southwestern and southern China driven by precipitation, especially, being inspected in Guangdong, Hainan, and Yunnan on numerous occasions, or potentially introduced in Guangxi, Taiwan, and Fujian for sandburs invasion hotspots. The phylogenetic clustering for eight sandburs occurred in the eastern, center, and southern coastal China, where higher SR in distribution was correlated with invasion hotspots. The SR and phylogenetic relatedness metrics were related to temperature and topographic variables. Totally, the expansion and invasion risk could be increased toward higher latitudes under future global warming. These findings offer novel insights for the prevention and management of sandburs invasions.
Tulowiecki, S. J., and N. LaDuke. 2024. Models reveal shifting distribution of climatic suitability for pawpaw (Asimina triloba [L.] Dunal) cultivation under future climate change scenarios. Scientia Horticulturae 338: 113837.
The pawpaw (Asimina triloba [L.] Dunal) is a deciduous tree notable for its large edible fruit. Native to the eastern US and Canada, it has earned attention as a horticultural commodity and focus of scientific inquiry. However, few studies have modeled its potential future distribution under climate change. This study predicted the current and future potential distribution for pawpaw in North America and globally, with a focus on understanding future climatic suitability for fruit cultivation. This study first modeled suitability via the Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) method by relating climate predictors with different datasets on pawpaw distribution, including nursery locations growing pawpaw. It also trained a boosted regression tree (BRT) model to estimate where sufficient heat accumulation for fruit ripening would occur. The models were applied to two future times (2041–2060 and 2081–2100), four emissions scenarios (SSP126, SSP245, SSP370, and SSP585), and climate projections from three climate models. Using nursery locations, the MaxEnt model yielded a mean area-under-the-curve statistic of 0.978 (standard deviation = 0.009) using 10-fold cross-validation, indicating strong predictive performance. The model suggested optimal conditions for pawpaw at these values: -4 °C for minimum temperature of coldest month, 26 °C for maximum temperature of warmest month, 88 cm for annual precipitation, and 0 % for precipitation seasonality. Models suggested shifting suitable climate conditions and accompanying increases in heat accumulation for fruit ripening. Northern America, Eastern Europe, and Northern Europe were predicted to have higher and increasing suitability; Western Europe, Southern Europe, and Eastern Asia were predicted to have higher but decreasing suitability. Little uncertainty existed due to collinearity shift or dissimilarity between current and future climate, but more uncertainty existed when predictions were based on differing climate model projections. This study provides insight into the pawpaw's potential response to climate change, and guidance on future locations for cultivation.
Bradshaw, C. D., D. L. Hemming, T. Mona, W. Thurston, M. K. Seier, D. P. Hodson, J. W. Smith, et al. 2024. Transmission pathways for the stem rust pathogen into Central and East Asia and the role of the alternate host, barberry. Environmental Research Letters 19: 114097.
Abstract After many decades of effective control of stem rust caused by the Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici, (hereafter Pgt) the reported emergence of race TTKSK/Ug99 of Pgt in Uganda reignited concerns about epidemics worldwide because ∼90% of world wheat cultivars had no resistance to the new race. Since it was initially detected in Uganda in 1998, Ug99 variants have now been identified in thirteen countries in Africa and the Middle East. Stem rust has been a major problem in the past, and concern is increasing about the risk of return to Central and East Asia. Whilst control programs in North America and Europe relied on the use of resistant cultivars in combination with eradication of barberry (Berberis spp.), the alternate host required for the stem rust pathogen to complete its full lifecycle, the focus in East Asia was principally on the use of resistant wheat cultivars. Here, we investigate potential airborne transmission pathways for stem rust outbreaks in the Middle East to reach East Asia using an integrated modelling framework combining estimates of fungal spore deposition from an atmospheric dispersion model, environmental suitability for spore germination, and crop calendar information. We consider the role of mountain ranges in restricting transmission pathways, and we incorporate a representation of a generic barberry species into the lifecycle. We find viable transmission pathways to East Asia from the Middle East to the north via Central Asia and to the south via South Asia and that an initial infection in the Middle East could persist in East Asia for up to three years due to the presence of the alternate host. Our results indicate the need for further assessment of barberry species distributions in East Asia and appropriate methods for targeted surveillance and mitigation strategies should stem rust incidence increase in the Middle East region.
Prevéy, J. S., I. S. Pearse, D. M. Blumenthal, A. J. Howell, J. A. Kray, S. C. Reed, M. B. Stephenson, and C. S. Jarnevich. 2024. Phenology forecasting models for detection and management of invasive annual grasses. Ecosphere 15.
Non‐native annual grasses can dramatically alter fire frequency and reduce forage quality and biodiversity in the ecosystems they invade. Effective management techniques are needed to reduce these undesirable invasive species and maintain ecosystem services. Well‐timed management strategies, such as grazing, that are applied when invasive grasses are active prior to native plants can control invasive species spread and reduce their impact; however, anticipating the timing of key phenological stages that are susceptible to management over vast landscapes is difficult, as the phenology of these species can vary greatly over time and space. To address this challenge, we created range‐wide phenology forecasts for two problematic invasive annual grasses: cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), and red brome (Bromus rubens). We tested a suite of 18 mechanistic phenology models using observations from monitoring experiments, volunteer science, herbarium records, timelapse camera imagery, and downscaled gridded climate data to identify the models that best predicted the dates of flowering and senescence of the two invasive grass species. We found that the timing of flowering and senescence of cheatgrass and red brome were best predicted by photothermal time models that had been adjusted for topography using gridded continuous heat‐insolation load index values. Phenology forecasts based on these models can help managers make decisions about when to schedule management actions such as grazing to reduce undesirable invasive grasses and promote forage production, quality, and biodiversity in grasslands; to predict the timing of greatest fire risk after annual grasses dry out; and to select remote sensing imagery to accurately map invasive grasses across topographic and latitudinal gradients. These phenology models also have the potential to be operationalized for within‐season or within‐year decision support.