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Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
identified Pterocarpus angolensis DC. Correia, Manuel Fernandes Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1966-01-11 1968 Fabaceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Acacia schweinfurthii var. schweinfurthii TORRE !E.P. Sousa 1963 1976 Fabaceae K 3474464 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Celastraceae Maytenus mossambicensis (Klotzsch) Blakelock Barbosa E. P. Sousa 1948 0/0/1967 Celastraceae IIA IIA-LUA-012.994 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Celastraceae Maytenus Molina Barbosa E. P. Sousa 1948 0/0/1967 Celastraceae IIA IIA-LUA-013.022 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Crocoxylon transvaalense (Burtt Davy) N.Robson Gomes e Sousa, António de Figueiredo Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1948-07-25 1966 Celastraceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Faidherbia albida (Delile) A.Chev. Gomes e Sousa, António de Figueiredo Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1959-11-10 1974 Fabaceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Albizia forbesii Benth. Gomes e Sousa, António de Figueiredo Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1963-10-31 1973 Fabaceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Entada abyssinica A.Rich. Gomes e Sousa, António de Figueiredo Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1963-10-30 1973 Fabaceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Entada abyssinica A.Rich. Gomes e Sousa, António de Figueiredo Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1963-10-30 1973 Fabaceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Faidherbia albida (Delile) A.Chev. Gomes e Sousa, António de Figueiredo Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1959-11-10 1974 Fabaceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Crocoxylon transvaalense (Burtt Davy) N.Robson Gomes e Sousa, António de Figueiredo Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1948-01-28 1966 Celastraceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Crocoxylon transvaalense (Burtt Davy) N.Robson Gomes e Sousa, António de Figueiredo Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1948-01-28 1966 Celastraceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Albizia forbesii Benth. Gomes e Sousa, António de Figueiredo Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1963-10-31 1973 Fabaceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Xylia mendoncae Torre Mendonça, Francisco de Ascensão Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1944-08-31 1973 Fabaceae COI isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Salacia kraussii (Harv.) Harv. Guerra, Sofia Pomba Sousa, Ester Pereira de 1935-12-21 1966 Celastraceae COI PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Allophylus torrei Exell & Mendonça Torre, A.R., Paiva, J. Sousa, E.P. 1964-01-08 00:00:00.0 1971-01-01 00:00:00.0 Sapindaceae IICT LISC001358 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Allophylus torrei Exell & Mendonça Torre, A.R., Paiva, J. Sousa, E.P. 1964-01-08 00:00:00.0 1971-01-01 00:00:00.0 Sapindaceae IICT LISC001357 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Allophylus mossambicensis Exell Barbosa, L.A.G., Lemos, F.L. Sousa, E.P. 1959-04-04 00:00:00.0 1969-01-01 00:00:00.0 Sapindaceae IICT LISC001356 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Allophylus mossambicensis Exell Lemos, F.L., Balsinhas, A. Sousa, E.P. 1960-06-09 00:00:00.0 1969-01-01 00:00:00.0 Sapindaceae IICT LISC001355 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Allophylus torrei Exell & Mendonça Torre, A.R., Paiva, J. Sousa, E.P. 1971-01-01 00:00:00.0 Sapindaceae IICT LISC001359 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Salacia kraussii Harv. Bachir, P. & Pedro Sousa, E.P. 1950-01 1966 Celastraceae 18396 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lam.) Loes. Pedro, J.G. & Pedrogão, J.J. Sousa, E.P. 1948-08-19 1966 Celastraceae 18152 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Gymnosporia undata (Thunb.) Szyszyl. Gomes e Sousa, A.F. Sousa, E.P. 1967 Celastraceae 18184 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Deinbollia oblongifolia (E. Mey. ex Arn.) Radlk. Hornby, A.J.W. Sousa, E.P. 1940-10-28 1972-07 Sapindaceae 18546 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Celastraceae Maytenus Molina Barbosa E. P. Sousa 1948 0/0/1967 Celastraceae IIA IIA-LUA-012.993 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Celastraceae Mystroxylon Eckl. & Zeyh. F. A. Mendonça E. P. Sousa 1942 0/0/0 Celastraceae IIA IIA-LUA-013.040 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Celastraceae Catha Forssk. Barbosa E. P. Sousa 1948 0/0/0 Celastraceae IIA IIA-LUA-014.932 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Celastraceae Maytenus Molina A. R. Torre E. P. Sousa 1941 0/0/0 Celastraceae IIA IIA-LUA-013.025 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Celastraceae Maytenus Molina A. R. Torre E. P. Sousa 1943 0/0/1967 Celastraceae IIA IIA-LUA-012.991 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Celastraceae Salacia L. F. A. Mendonça E. P. Sousa 1944 0/0/0 Celastraceae IIA IIA-LUA-013.119 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN