Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
identified Syzygium nitidum Hinds Womersley, J.S. 1841-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 Myrtaceae K K000800422 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Albizia carrii Kanis Womersley JS 1971-11-05 Fabaceae L.1933519 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Mucuna verdcourtii Wiriad. Womersley JS Wiriadinata H 1953-04-06 1984/09/01 Fabaceae L.4306541 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Ranunculus wahgiensis H.Eichler Womersley JS Eichler HJ 1953-09-03 1954/12/01 Ranunculaceae L 0038651 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Kibara diffusa Philipson Womersley JS; Millar AN Philipson WR 1955-06-18 Monimiaceae L 0037156 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Maniltoa lenticellata var. villosa Verdc. Womersley JS; Vandenberg J 1968-09-13 Fabaceae L 0019093 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Ammannia uniflora Meijden Womersley JS Meijden R van der 1962-07-01/1962-07-31 1965/10/01 Lythraceae L 0010046 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Diplycosia rupicola Sleumer Womersley JS 1953-09-06 Ericaceae L 0006999 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dimorphanthera crassifolia Sleumer Womersley JS; Ingle; Richardson J 1953-09-05 Ericaceae L 0006738 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Keysseria radicans subsp. xiphophylla J.Kost. Womersley JS Koster JT 1956-08-02 Asteraceae L 0002102 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Zehneria cissybium (Jacobs) Jeffrey Womersley JS Jacobs M 1953-09-07 1954/03/01 Cucurbitaceae L 0001631 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Neonauclea acuminata Ridsdale Womersley JS; Coode MJE 1967-05-19 Rubiaceae L 0000871 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Diospyros normanbyensis Kosterm. Womersley JS; Brass LJ Kostermans AJGH 1956-04-18 Ebenaceae L 0006031 syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dendrobium engae T.M.Reeve Womersley JS; Fiest DA Reeve TM 1972-02-01/1972-02-29 1979/04/01 Orchidaceae L 0320525 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Poikilogyne rugosa M.P.Nayar Womersley JS Maxwell JF 1956-08-04 1982/05/01 Melastomataceae L 0064566 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dillenia nalagi Hoogland Hoogland RD; Womersley JS Hoogland RD 1953-08-14 Dilleniaceae L 0012543 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Rhododendron vandeursenii Womersley, J.S. Sleumer, H. 1959-07-16 00:00:00.0000000 Ericaceae K K000083504 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Licuala sp. Womersley, J.S. (no. NGF 48727) 1975-03-25 Arecaceae M-VascularPlants M-0208241 / 623075 / 280631 not a type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Acacia aulacocarpa A.Cunn. ex Benth. Womersley, J.S. (no. NGF 17756) 1963-09-24 Fabaceae M-VascularPlants M-0218330 / 643048 / 301366 not a type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Gottschelia maxima (Steph.) Grolle Womersley,J.S. & Vink,W.|Womersley,J.S. & Vink,W. s.n. [1960] R. Grolle 1960 Cephaloziellaceae JE 04004867 line drawing of an isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Solanum papuanum Symon Womersley JS; Sleumer HO Aubriot X 1961-09-07 2014/04/01 Solanaceae L.2876590 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Endiandra kassamensis Arifiani Womersley JS; Vandenberg J Arifiani D 1968-09-13 2015/10/01 Lauraceae L.1798089 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Nothofagus flaviramea Steenis Womersley JS Steenis CGGJ van 1953-04-25 1973/07/01 Nothofagaceae L.1570786 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Psychotria giluwensis Sohmer Womersley JS Sohmer SH 1962-05-01/1962-05-31 1982/08/23 Rubiaceae L 0843033 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eriocaulon nepalense var. luzulaefolium (Mart.) A.Prajaksood & J.Parn. Womersley JS; Hoogland RD 1953-04-02 Eriocaulaceae L 0739511 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Gomphandra subcordata Schori Womersley JS; Millar AN Schori M 1956-01-07 2009/10/01 Stemonuraceae L 0689967 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Micrechites novoguineensis K.Schum. Womersley JS Middleton DJ 1964-02-26 Apocynaceae L 0651389 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Parsonsia densiflora D.J.Middleton Womersley JS; Brass LJ 1959-04-05 Apocynaceae L 0421423 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Excoecaria myrioneura Airy Shaw Womersley JS Veldt JM van der 1959-11-17 2024/08/01 Euphorbiaceae L 0156768 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Sterculia morobeensis Tantra Womersley JS 1963-10-26 Malvaceae L 0063477 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN