Specimen Data Used In

de Oliveira, M. H. V., B. M. Torke, and T. E. Almeida. 2021. An inventory of the ferns and lycophytes of the Lower Tapajós River Basin in the Brazilian Amazon reveals collecting biases, sampling gaps, and previously undocumented diversity. Brittonia 73: 459–480. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12228-021-09668-7

Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected identified Dennstaedtia punctilobula Holland, Alma Holland, Alma 1933-08-19 Dennstaedtiaceae USCH USCH0069678 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected identified Sagittaria Holland, Alma Holland, Alma 1933-08-14 Alismataceae USCH USCH0053773 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Asplenium platyneuron Matthews, Velma; Holland, Alma Matthews, Velma 1939-08-09 Aspleniaceae USCH USCH0069240 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum Holland, Alma; Henry, Nell Bradley, Keith 1933-08-14 Dennstaedtiaceae USCH USCH0069777 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pleopeltis polypodioides subsp. michauxiana Matthews, Velma; Holland, Alma Hooper, Elisabeth 1939-08-09 2004-07-25 Polypodiaceae USCH USCH0077123 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Athyrium asplenioides Matthews, Velma; Holland, Alma Matthews, Velma 1939-08-09 Athyriaceae USCH USCH0074112 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pellaea atropurpurea Matthews, Velma; Coker, W.; Holland, Alma Matthews, Velma 1939 Pteridaceae USCH USCH0065736 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Polystichum acrostichoides Matthews, Velma; Holland, Alma Matthews, Velma 1939-08-09 Dryopteridaceae USCH PRESERVED_SPECIMEN