Specimen Data Used In

Andersen, M. K., Q. Willot, and H. A. MacMillan. 2023. A neurophysiological limit and its biogeographic correlations: Cold-induced spreading depolarization in tropical butterflies. Journal of Experimental Biology. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.246313

Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Dryas iulia fucatus (Boddaert, 1783) Walter J. Eyerdam [no agent data] 1927-09-15 Nymphalidae MCZ 115929 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dryas iulia fucatus (Boddaert, 1783) Walter J. Eyerdam [no agent data] 1927-09-12 Nymphalidae MCZ 115907 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Siproeta stelenes insularis (Holland, 1916) Walter J. Eyerdam [no agent data] 1927-01-01/1927-12-31 Nymphalidae MCZ 109616 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN