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Specimen Data Used In

López-Pérez, J. D., S. Zamudio, G. Munguía-Lino, and A. Rodríguez. 2024. Una especie endémica nueva y distribución de la riqueza de especies del género <i>Pinguicula</i> (Lentibulariaceae) en la Faja Volcánica Trans-Mexicana, México. Botanical Sciences 102: 995–1008.

Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Pinguicula vulgaris ssp. macroceras Walter J. Eyerdam Garrett E. Crow 1937-Jul-4 2009 Lentibulariaceae UWBM 20893 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Eyerdam, W.J. 1949-09-10 Lentibulariaceae MIN 530054 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Eyerdam, W.J. 1945-08-15 Lentibulariaceae MIN 525347 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula vulgaris Linnaeus W. J. Eyerdam 1932-07-03 Lentibulariaceae GH barcode-01974295 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Eyerdam, W. J. 1932-07-05 Lentibulariaceae CAS 650864 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula vulgaris subsp. macroceras (Link) Calder & Roy L. Taylor Eyerdam, W. J. 1932-06-29 Lentibulariaceae CAS 650819 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula antarctica W. J. Eyerdam 1958-01-15 Lentibulariaceae US US 2371968 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Pall. ex Link Walter J. Eyerdam P. Taylor 1937 1973 Lentibulariaceae MO 101080443 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula vulgaris L. Walter J. Eyerdam 1948 Lentibulariaceae MO 101080255 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Link W. J. Eyerdam 1932 Lentibulariaceae S S14-18348 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Link W. J. Eyerdam 1937 Lentibulariaceae S S14-18354 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Link W. J. Eyerdam 1932 Lentibulariaceae S S14-18312 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Link W. J. Eyerdam 1932 Lentibulariaceae S S14-18309 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Link W. J. Eyerdam 1932 Lentibulariaceae S S14-18304 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Link W. J. Eyerdam 1932 Lentibulariaceae S S14-18310 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Link W. J. Eyerdam 1948 Lentibulariaceae S S14-18274 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula macroceras Link W. J. Eyerdam 1932 Lentibulariaceae S S14-18278 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula vulgaris L. W. J. Eyerdam 1932 Lentibulariaceae S S14-17553 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinguicula vulgaris L. W. J. Eyerdam 1932 Lentibulariaceae S S14-17552 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN