Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Buchnera rungwensis Engl. Stolz A.F. Orobanchaceae MeiseBG BR0000005102372 isoneotype of buchnera rungwensis engl. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Costus afer Ker Gawl. Stolz A.F. 1915 Costaceae MeiseBG BR0000005500710 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eleocharis intricata Kük. Stolz A.F. 1912-02-17 Cyperaceae MeiseBG BR0000005539994 isotype of eleocharis intricata kük. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Rhipidoglossum stolzii (SCHLTR.) Garay Stolz A.F. 1915 Orchidaceae MeiseBG BR0000005870578 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia var. polygyna (Pax & K.Hoffm.) Radcl.-Sm. Stolz A.F. Phyllanthaceae MeiseBG BR0000006242855 isosyntype of pseudolachnostylis polygyna pax & k.hoffm. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia var. polygyna (Pax & K.Hoffm.) Radcl.-Sm. Stolz A.F. Phyllanthaceae MeiseBG BR0000006243838 isosyntype of pseudolachnostylis polygyna pax & k.hoffm. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia var. polygyna (Pax & K.Hoffm.) Radcl.-Sm. Stolz A.F. Phyllanthaceae MeiseBG BR0000006243517 isosyntype of pseudolachnostylis polygyna pax & k.hoffm. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia var. polygyna (Pax & K.Hoffm.) Radcl.-Sm. Stolz A.F. Phyllanthaceae MeiseBG BR0000006243180 isosyntype of pseudolachnostylis polygyna pax & k.hoffm. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Scolopia stolzii Gilg Stolz A.F. 1915 Salicaceae MeiseBG BR0000006244125 isotype of scolopia stolzii gilg PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Tragia kirkiana Müll.Arg. Stolz A.F. Euphorbiaceae MeiseBG BR0000006244927 isotype of tragia stolziana pax & k.hoffm. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Scolopia stolzii Gilg Stolz A.F. Salicaceae MeiseBG BR0000006245092 isotype of scolopia stolzii gilg PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Trichocladus dentatus Hutch. Stolz A.F. 1913-11-13 Hamamelidaceae MeiseBG BR0000006246808 isotype of trichocladus dentatus hutch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Garcinia livingstonei T.Anderson Stolz A.F. Clusiaceae MeiseBG BR0000006246211 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Garcinia livingstonei T.Anderson Stolz A.F. Clusiaceae MeiseBG BR0000006246976 isosyntype of garcinia livingstonei var. pallidinervia engl. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Garcinia smeathmannii (Planch. & Triana) Oliv. Stolz A.F. Clusiaceae MeiseBG BR0000006247010 isotype of garcinia stolzii engl. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Entandrophragma excelsum (Dawe & Sprague) Sprague Stolz A.F. Meliaceae MeiseBG BR0000006248024 isotype of entandrophragma stolzii harms PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Bersama abyssinica subsp. abyssinica var. abyssinica Stolz A.F. Melianthaceae MeiseBG BR0000006248611 isotype of bersama suffruticosa brehmer PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Entandrophragma excelsum (Dawe & Sprague) Sprague Stolz A.F. Meliaceae MeiseBG BR0000006247690 isotype of entandrophragma stolzii harms PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Astragalus atropilosulus subsp. abyssinicus (Hochst.) Gillett Stolz A.F. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006252403 isotype of astragalus atropilosulus subsp. burkeanus var. platycarpus gillet PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eriosema buchananii var. buchananii Stolz A.F. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006253912 isotype of eriosema richardii var. ovatum staner & de craene PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Aeschynomene stolzii Harms Stolz A.F. 1913 Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006252687 isotype of aeschynomene stolzii harms PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Lotononis stolzii Harms Stolz A.F. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006254278 type of lotononis stolzii harms PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eriosema flexuosum Staner Stolz A.F. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006253929 isotype of eriosema flexuosum staner PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Astragalus atropilosulus subsp. abyssinicus (Hochst.) Gillett Stolz A.F. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006253080 isotype of astragalus atropilosulus subsp. burkeanus var. platycarpus gillet PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eriosema ukingense Harms Stolz A.F. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006253615 isotype of eriosema stolzii harms PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eriosema flexuosum Staner Stolz A.F. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006253592 holotype of eriosema flexuosum staner PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eriosema ukingense Harms Stolz A.F. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006254261 isotype of eriosema stolzii harms PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pterocarpus tinctorius Welw. Stolz A.F. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006255725 isotype of pterocarpus stolzii harms PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pterocarpus tinctorius Welw. Stolz A.F. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000006255756 isolectotype of pterocarpus stolzii harms PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Cissampelos insignis Alston Stolz A.F. Menispermaceae MeiseBG BR0000006258467 isotype of cissampelos insignis alston PRESERVED_SPECIMEN