Has identified specimens collected by:

Collected Staphylinidae and identified Staphylinidae

Collected Megachilidae and identified Asteraceae

Collected Andrenidae and identified Delphacidae

Collected Andrenidae and identified Andrenidae

Collected Apidae and identified Panorpidae
Bryan N. Danforth
United States

Collected Andrenidae and identified Andrenidae

Collected Noctuidae
Collected Apidae and identified Pompilidae
Terry Griswold
United States

Collected Andrenidae and identified Megachilidae

Collected Apidae and identified Scincidae

Collected Apidae and identified Andrenidae
Collected Apidae and identified Halictidae
Robert L. Minckley
United States

Collected Halictidae and identified Apidae

Collected Halictidae and identified Halictidae
Collected Apidae
Collected Apidae and identified Apidae
Collected Andrenidae and identified Halictidae