Collected Rosaceae and identified Fagaceae
Collected Pucciniaceae and identified Pucciniaceae
Collected Psittacidae and identified Agaricaceae
Collected Russulaceae and identified Russulaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Asteraceae
Collected Suillaceae and identified Viburnaceae
Collected Nostocaceae and identified Pucciniaceae
Collected Pteridaceae and identified Rubiaceae
Collected Boletaceae and identified Aspleniaceae
Collected Lejeuneaceae and identified Pylaisiadelphaceae
Collected Calostomataceae
Collected Pucciniaceae and identified Pucciniaceae
Collected Blechnaceae and identified Aspleniaceae
Collected Rosaceae and identified Mycosphaerellaceae
Collected Sphagnaceae and identified Polyporaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Polyporaceae and identified Polyporaceae
Collected Cactaceae and identified Fabaceae
Collected Parmeliaceae and identified Cladoniaceae
Collected Parmeliaceae and identified Parmeliaceae
Collected Boletaceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Cactaceae and identified Fabaceae
Collected Rhizopogonaceae and identified Russulaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Dryopteridaceae
Collected Viburnaceae and identified Pinaceae
Collected Pucciniaceae and identified Pucciniaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Ranunculaceae
Collected Russulaceae and identified Thelephoraceae