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Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Pandorea leptophylla Boerl. Zippelius A Steenis CGGJ van 1954/08/01 Bignoniaceae U.1605307 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Tecomanthe dendrophila (Blume) K.Schum. Zippelius A Steenis CGGJ van Bignoniaceae U 0000765 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Bruguiera gymnorhiza (L.) Savigny Zippelius A Hou D 1957/07/01 Rhizophoraceae U.1605314 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Clerodendrum albiflos H.J.Lam Zippelius A Munir AA 1989/02/01 Lamiaceae L 0835145 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Trema cannabina Lour. Zippelius A Cannabaceae L 0842879 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Trema cannabina Lour. Zippelius A Cannabaceae L 0842878 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Amischotolype glabrata (Hassk.) Hassk. Zippelius A Duistermaat H 2011/01/01 Commelinaceae L 0929249 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Harpullia cupanioides Roxb. Zippelius A Leenhouts PW Sapindaceae L 0058110 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Harpullia cupanioides Roxb. Zippelius A Sapindaceae L 0058111 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dryopteris chaerophyllifolia (Zipp.) C.Chr. Zippelius A Rosenstock E Dryopteridaceae L 0063432 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dryopteris chaerophyllifolia (Zipp.) C.Chr. Zippelius A Dryopteridaceae L 0063433 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pyrrosia stigmosa (Sw.) Ching Zippelius A Hovenkamp PH Polypodiaceae L 0052116 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Asplenium macrophyllum Sw. Zippelius A Rosenstock E Aspleniaceae L 0051017 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Gleichenia vulcanica Blume Zippelius A Gleicheniaceae L 0051631 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Salix sieboldiana Blume Zippelius A Koorders SH 1908/10/01 Salicaceae L 0420605 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Salix sieboldiana Blume Zippelius A Salicaceae L 0420604 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Salix sieboldiana Blume Zippelius A Salicaceae L 0420606 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Asplenium cuneatum var. obtusilobum Miq. Zippelius A Morton CV Aspleniaceae L 0050993 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Asplenium macrophyllum Sw. Zippelius A Rosenstock E Aspleniaceae L 0051016 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Asplenium caudatum G.Forst. Zippelius A Rosenstock E Aspleniaceae L 0050990 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Gleichenia vulcanica Blume Zippelius A Holttum RE 1957/02/01 Gleicheniaceae L 0051630 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Christensenia aesculifolia (Blume) Maxon Zippelius A Rosenstock E Marattiaceae L 0051148 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw. Zippelius A Rosenstock E Lygodiaceae L 0051887 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Anisoptera thurifera Blume Zippelius A Ashton PS 1828-07-01/1828-07-31 1972/06/01 Dipterocarpaceae L 0043262 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Aglaomorpha speciosa (Blume) M.C.Roos Zippelius A Polypodiaceae L 0050916 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Antrophyum latifolium Blume Zippelius A Rosenstock E Pteridaceae L 0050964 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Aglaomorpha speciosa (Blume) M.C.Roos Zippelius A Roos MC Polypodiaceae L 0050915 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Myristica subcordata Blume var. subcordata Zippelius A Myristicaceae L 0037822 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Horsfieldia sylvestris (Houtt.) Warb. Zippelius A Myristicaceae L 0037379 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Opilia amentacea Roxb. Zippelius A Opiliaceae L 0039110 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN