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Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Plethodon grobmani Sherman Chauncey Bishop, Coleman Jett Goin 1947 Plethodontidae FMNH 92648 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Plethodon grobmani Sherman Chauncey Bishop, Coleman Jett Goin 1947 Plethodontidae FMNH 92647 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Plethodon grobmani Sherman Chauncey Bishop, Coleman Jett Goin 1947 Plethodontidae FMNH 92646 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Plethodon grobmani Sherman Chauncey Bishop, Coleman Jett Goin 1947 Plethodontidae FMNH 92645 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Plethodon grobmani Sherman Chauncey Bishop, Coleman Jett Goin 1947 Plethodontidae FMNH 92644 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Plethodon grobmani Sherman Chauncey Bishop, Coleman Jett Goin 1947 Plethodontidae FMNH 92643 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Plethodon grobmani Sherman Chauncey Bishop, Coleman Jett Goin 1947 Plethodontidae FMNH 92642 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Plethodon grobmani Sherman Chauncey Bishop, Coleman Jett Goin 1947 Plethodontidae FMNH 92641 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Plethodon grobmani Sherman Chauncey Bishop, Coleman Jett Goin 1947 Plethodontidae FMNH 92640 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eurycea multiplicata Sherman Chauncey Bishop, Coleman Jett Goin 1947 Plethodontidae FMNH 91411 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Notophthalmus perstriatus Coleman Jett Goin, Sherman Chauncey Bishop 1947 Salamandridae FMNH 86510 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Hyla boesmani C J. Goin Hylidae NHMUK 1966.26 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20303 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20302 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20301 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20300 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20299 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20298 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20297 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20296 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20295 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20294 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20293 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20292 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20291 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Colostethus subpunctatus walesi J.H. Wales D.M. Cochran and C.J. Goin 1960 1970-01-01 Dendrobatidae CAS 20290 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Eleutherodactylus myersi E.S. Ross C.J. Goin and D.M. Cochran 1955 1963-12-20 Craugastoridae CAS 85177 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Phrynohyas venulosa (Laurenti, 1768) Gongrijp & Stahel Goin C.J. 1922-01-01/1922-12-31 Hylidae ZMA.RENA.6018 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Sphoenorhynchus aurantiacus surdus (Cochran, 1953) Gongrijp & Stahel Goin C.J. 1922-01-01/1922-12-31 Hylidae ZMA.RENA.5960 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN