Collected Cyperaceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Poaceae
Collected Parmeliaceae and identified Cladoniaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Caprifoliaceae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Lamiaceae
Collected Lycoperdaceae and identified Lycoperdaceae
Collected Ichneumonidae and identified Ichneumonidae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Poaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Noctuidae and identified Ranunculaceae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Hylocomiaceae and identified Hylocomiaceae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Parmeliaceae and identified Parmeliaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Lamiaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Solanaceae
Frank Ludlow
August 10, 1885 – March 25, 1972
United Kingdom; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Collected Asteraceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Cyperaceae
John David Adam Stainton
March 01, 1921 – 1991
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; United Kingdom
Collected Asteraceae and identified Poaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Lamiaceae
Collected Brachytheciaceae and identified Brachytheciaceae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Cyperaceae