Collected Salticidae and identified Spongillidae
Collected Trochidae and identified Trochidae
Rudiger Bieler
United States
Collected Veneridae and identified Architectonicidae
Collected Scolopacidae and identified Rhopalonematidae
Collected Entocytheridae and identified Mithracidae
Collected Asellidae and identified Asellidae
Collected Hymenolepididae and identified Onchocercidae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Dactyloidae
Collected Araceae and identified Araceae
Collected Formicidae and identified Libellulidae
Collected Sertulariidae and identified Bulimulidae
Collected Thelypteridaceae and identified Lycopodiaceae
Collected Coenagrionidae and identified Coenagrionidae
Collected Poaceae and identified Poaceae
Collected Porcellanidae and identified Porcellanidae
Collected Actiniidae and identified Actiniidae
Collected Fungiidae and identified Fungiidae
Collected Thelypteridaceae and identified Thelypteridaceae
Collected Cymatiidae and identified Cerithiidae
Collected Arbaciidae and identified Arbaciidae
Martins, AMF
Collected Ellobiidae and identified Ellobiidae
Collected Cylindroleberididae and identified Paguridae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Verbenaceae
Collected Cyprinidae and identified Bugulidae
Collected Polynoidae and identified Polynoidae
Collected Gobiidae and identified Tetraodontidae
Collected Asteriidae and identified Portunidae
Identified Idoteidae
Collected Sphagnaceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Aeglidae and identified Palaemonidae