Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
identified Glyptotermes brevicornis Hill, Gerald Freer 1923-12 Kalotermitidae AM K.377137 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Glyptotermes brevicornis Hill, Gerald Freer 1923-12 Kalotermitidae AM K.377136 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected rhytidoponera reflexa G.F. Hill 1916-11-02 Formicidae CAS antweb1008318 syntype of rhytidoponera reflexa clark, 1936 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Hakea intermedia Ewart & O.B.Davies Hill,G.F. 1911-06-07 Proteaceae B B 10 0295456 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected rhytidoponera convexa G.F. Hill Formicidae CAS casent0915134 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected myrmecia hilli G.F. Hill 1911-07-02 Formicidae CAS antweb1008286 syntype of promyrmecia hilli clark, 1943 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected pheidole platypus G.F. Hill W.C. Crawley Formicidae CAS casent0901540 syntype of pheidole platypus crawley, 1915 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected pheidole platypus G.F. Hill W.C. Crawley Formicidae CAS casent0901539 syntype of pheidole platypus crawley, 1915 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected leptogenys exigua G.F. Hill 1915-07-01 Formicidae CAS casent0902623 syntype of leptogenys conigera exigua crawley, 1921 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected leptogenys exigua G.F. Hill Formicidae CAS antweb1008197 syntype of leptogenys conigera exigua crawley, 1921 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected myrmecia hilli Hill,G.F. & Barclay ? 1911-07-02 Formicidae CAS mvma32-005938 syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected myrmecia maura Hill,G.F. 1924-02-08 Formicidae CAS mvma32-005914 syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected rhytidoponera reflexa Hill,G.F. Formicidae CAS anic32-011953 syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected rhytidoponera castanea Hill,G.F. 1911-10-01 Formicidae CAS anic32-011937 syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected fulakora lucida G.F. Hill 1930-07-20 Formicidae CAS casent0172215 paratype of amblyopone lucida clark, 1934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected camponotus novaehollandiae G.F. Hill Formicidae CAS casent0903536 paratype of camponotus (tanaemyrmex) villosus crawley, 1915 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Blackburnium barretti Hill, G.F. Geotrupidae CMN CMNEN 00017582 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Aretza longicornis Sjöstedt, 1921 Hill 1914-07-02 Acrididae NRM NRM-ORTH0010724 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Stenocatantops keyi Willemse, 1968 Hill Willemse, F. 1965 Acrididae NRM NRM-ORTH0004888 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Stenocatantops vitripennis (Sjöstedt, 1920) Hill Willemse, F. 1965 Acrididae NRM NRM-ORTH0010991 paralectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Stenocatantops vitripennis (Sjöstedt, 1920) Hill Willemse, F. 1965 Acrididae NRM NRM-ORTH0010990 paralectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Acacia adsurgens Hill, G.F. Kodela, P.G. 1914-06-21 00:00:00.0000000 Fabaceae K K000806602 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Cedarinia corallipes Sjöstedt, 1921 Hill Key, K. 1958 Acrididae NRM NRM-ORTH0010788 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Austracris guttulosa sulcata Sjöstedt, 1935 Hill Key, K. 1958 Acrididae NRM NRM-ORTH0010903 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Geckomima brevirostris (Sjöstedt, 1921) Hill Rehn, J. 1952 Morabidae NRM NRM-ORTH0009389 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Daperria bermioides Sjöstedt, 1921 Hill Rehn, J. 1957 Acrididae NRM NRM-ORTH0010288 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Caloptilla australis Sjöstedt, 1921 Hill Key, K. 1958 Acrididae NRM NRM-ORTH0010706 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Macrolopholia tuberculata (Walker, 1870) Hill Key, K. 1958 Acrididae NRM NRM-ORTH0010640 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Xanterriaria mediocris (Sjöstedt, 1921) Hill Key, K. 1958 Acrididae NRM NRM-ORTH0010597 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Spectriforma gracilicollis (Sjöstedt, 1921) Hill Rehn, J. 1952 Morabidae NRM NRM-ORTH0009365 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN