Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Melampyrum trichocalicinum Vandas, D.K. 1894-08-01 00:00:00.0000000 Orobanchaceae K K000806977 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dianthus borbasii Vandas, K. 1890-08-01 00:00:00.0000000 Caryophyllaceae K K000725283 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Celtis betulifolia Vandas, K. 1891-07-01 00:00:00.0000000 Cannabaceae K K000852735 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Satureja cuneifolia Vandas, K. 1891-08-01 00:00:00.0000000 Lamiaceae K K000193605 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Salvia brachyodon Vandas, D.K. 1891-07-01 00:00:00.0000000 Lamiaceae K K000929653 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Thesium auriculatum Vandas, D.K. 1894-08-01 00:00:00.0000000 Thesiaceae K K000880483 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Centranthus ruber Vandas, D.K. 1894-08-01 00:00:00.0000000 Caprifoliaceae K K000762916 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dianthus Vandas, D.K. 1893-08-01 00:00:00.0000000 Caryophyllaceae K K000725378 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Ballota macedonica Vandas Vandas 1923 Lamiaceae S S-G-864 type, basionym: ballota macedonica vandas PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Allium bornmuelleri Hayek Karel (Karl) Vandas 1923 Amaryllidaceae NHMUK BM001066462 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Ballota macedonica Vandas, K. Patzak, A. 1923-08-27 00:00:00.0000000 Lamiaceae K K000929171 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected identified Salvia brachyodon Vandas Vandas,K. s.n. [1891-07]|Vandas,K. K. Vandas s.d. 1891-07 Lamiaceae GZU 000261571 topotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Seseli vandasii Hayek Vandas,K.|Vandas,K. s.n. [1923-08-12] A. Hayek 1923-08-12 Apiaceae WU 0103892 syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Centaurea longeramosa Vandas, K. 1923-08-12 Asteraceae GB GB-0047231 possible type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Trimorpha vandasii Vierh. Vandas,K. s.n. [1893-08]|Vandas,K. F. Vierhapper 1893-08 Asteraceae WU 0033977 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Trimorpha vandasii Vierh. Vandas,K. s.n. [1893-08]|Vandas,K. F. Vierhapper 1893-08 Asteraceae WU 0033976 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Verbascum chrysanthum Vandas 1923 Scrophulariaceae LD 1763618 holotype of verbascum chrysanthum murb. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Melampyrum trichocalicinum Vandas, K 1891 Orobanchaceae Instituto de Botânica 223864 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Saxifraga glabella Vandas, K 1891 Saxifragaceae Instituto de Botânica 223865 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dianthus freynii Vandas K. Vandas Caryophyllaceae National Museum of the Czech Republic PR_25242C PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Melampyrum trichocalicinum Vandas Vandas, K. - Orobanchaceae BAB 169416 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Ballota macedonica Vandas K Vandas 1923 Lamiaceae NHMUK BM000752829 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Carum rohlenae Vandas K. Vandas Apiaceae National Museum of the Czech Republic PR_24288B PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Carum rohlenae Vandas K. Vandas Apiaceae National Museum of the Czech Republic PR_24288C PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Heliosperma rohlenae Vandas K. Vandas Caryophyllaceae National Museum of the Czech Republic PR_24284C PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Heliosperma rohlenae Vandas K. Vandas Caryophyllaceae National Museum of the Czech Republic PR_24284A PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dianthus Borbasii Vandas K. Vandas Caryophyllaceae National Museum of the Czech Republic PR_25244A PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dianthus freynii Vandas K. Vandas Caryophyllaceae National Museum of the Czech Republic PR_25279E PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Carum rohlenae Vandas K. Vandas Apiaceae National Museum of the Czech Republic PR_24288A PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Melampyrum fimbriatum Vandas K. Vandas 1891-07 Orobanchaceae MA MA-01-00411853 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN