Collected Cricetidae and identified Vespertilionidae
Collected Dactyloidae and identified Dactyloidae
Collected Thraupidae
Collected Laridae and identified Thraupidae
Collected Scolopacidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Tyrannidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Phrynosomatidae and identified Leporidae
Collected Poaceae and identified Cardiidae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Phasianidae
Collected Hyperoliidae and identified Agamidae
Collected Cerionidae and identified Cerionidae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Acrididae and identified Phlaeothripidae
Collected Colubridae and identified Capromyidae
Collected Sphaerodactylidae and identified Sphaerodactylidae
Mervyn Grove Palmer
April 17, 1882 – 1954
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; United Kingdom
Collected Thraupidae and identified Trochilidae
Collected Parulidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Ericaceae and identified Parmeliaceae
Collected Trochilidae and identified Trochilidae
Collected Muscicapidae and identified Ardeidae
Collected Muscicapidae and identified Muridae