Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Thespesia garckeana var. garckeana Debeerst R.P. Malvaceae MeiseBG BR0000008952677 type of thespesia debeerstii de wild. & t.durand PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Thespesia garckeana var. garckeana Debeerst R.P. Malvaceae MeiseBG BR0000008952332 type of thespesia debeerstii de wild. & t.durand PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Scutellaria polyadena Briq. Debeerst R.P. Lamiaceae MeiseBG BR0000008910127 type of scutellaria polyadena briq. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Scutellaria polyadena Briq. Debeerst R.P. Lamiaceae MeiseBG BR0000008909794 type of scutellaria polyadena briq. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Kohautia coccinea Royle Debeerst R.P. Rubiaceae MeiseBG BR0000008849090 type of oldenlandia debeerstii de wild. & t.durand PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Hibiscus debeerstii De Wild. & T.Durand Debeerst R.P. Malvaceae MeiseBG BR0000008952417 type of hibiscus debeerstii de wild. & t.durand PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Hibiscus debeerstii De Wild. & T.Durand Debeerst R.P. Malvaceae MeiseBG BR0000008952080 type of hibiscus debeerstii de wild. & t.durand PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Habenaria nicholsonii var. debeerstiana (Kraenzl.) Geerinck Debeerst R.P. Orchidaceae MeiseBG BR0000008812629 type of habenaria debeerstiana kraenzl. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Grewia mollis Juss. Debeerst R.P. Malvaceae MeiseBG BR0000008971340 type of grewia venusta var. angustifolia k.schum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Grewia mollis Juss. Debeerst R.P. Malvaceae MeiseBG BR0000008971739 type of grewia venusta var. angustifolia k.schum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eulophia parvula (Rendle) Summerh. Debeerst R.P. Orchidaceae MeiseBG BR0000008812254 type of eulophia tanganyikae kraenzl. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Cryptolepis oblongifolia (Meisn.) Schltr. Debeerst R.P. Apocynaceae MeiseBG BR0000006418311 type of ectadiopsis wildemaniana k.schum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Commelina scaposa C.B.Clarke ex De Wild. & T.Durand Debeerst R.P. Commelinaceae MeiseBG BR0000008491817 type of commelina scaposa c.b.clarke ex de wild. & t.durand PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Ochna leptoclada Oliv. Debeerst R.P. Ochnaceae MeiseBG BR0000008991201 syntype of ochna debeerstii de wild. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eulophia abyssinica var. aurantiaca (Rolfe) Geerinck Debeerst R.P. Orchidaceae MeiseBG BR0000008812032 syntype of eulophia debeerstii de wild. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Scutellaria schweinfurthii subsp. paucifolia (Baker) A.J.Paton Debeerst R.P. Lamiaceae MeiseBG BR0000008910134 holotype of scutellaria debeerstii briq. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pachycarpus spurius (N.E.Br.) Bullock Debeerst R.P. Apocynaceae MeiseBG BR0000008862167 holotype of schizoglossum debeersianum k.schum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Kniphofia grantii Baker Debeerst R.P. Asphodelaceae MeiseBG BR0000008807755 holotype of kniphofia mpalensis engl. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Ipomoea recta De Wild. Debeerst R.P. Convolvulaceae MeiseBG BR0000008884541 holotype of ipomoea debeerstii de wild. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dewildemania lancifolia (O.Hoffm.) Kalanda Debeerst R.P. Asteraceae MeiseBG BR0000008678652 holotype of herderia lancifolia o.hoffm. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Gladiolus debeerstii De Wild. Debeerst R.P. Iridaceae MeiseBG BR0000008764782 holotype of gladiolus debeerstii de wild. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Humularia bifoliolata (Micheli) P.A.Duvign. Debeerst R.P. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000008943071 holotype of geissaspis bifoliolata micheli PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Fadogiella stigmatoloba (K.Schum.) Robyns Debeerst R.P. Rubiaceae MeiseBG BR0000008847164 holotype of fadogiella verticillata robyns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Fadogiella stigmatoloba (K.Schum.) Robyns Debeerst R.P. Rubiaceae MeiseBG BR0000008847188 holotype of fadogiella verticillata robyns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dorstenia benguellensis Welw. Debeerst R.P. Moraceae MeiseBG BR0000008955173 holotype of dorstenia debeerstii de wild. & t.durand PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Cryptosepalum maraviense Oliv. Debeerst R.P. Fabaceae MeiseBG BR0000008918444 holotype of cryptosepalum debeerstii de wild. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Cryptolepis oblongifolia (Meisn.) Schltr. Debeerst R.P. Apocynaceae MeiseBG BR0000006418601 holotype of cryptolepis debeerstii de wild. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Rotheca myricoides subsp. myricoides var. discolor (Klotzsch) Verdc. Debeerst R.P. Lamiaceae MeiseBG BR0000008978486 holotype of clerodendrum bequaertii var. debeerstii de wild. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Brachycorythis congoensis Kraenzl. Debeerst R.P. Orchidaceae MeiseBG BR0000008810007 holotype of brachycorythis congoensis kraenzl. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Haumaniastrum villosum (Benth.) A.J.Paton Debeerst R.P. 1894/1895 Lamiaceae MeiseBG BR0000008908384 holotype of acrocephalus debeerstii briq. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN