Collected Fabaceae and identified Fabaceae
Christiane Anderson
United States
Collected Asteraceae and identified Malpighiaceae
Collected Gesneriaceae and identified Gesneriaceae
Rudiger Bieler
United States
Collected Veneridae and identified Architectonicidae
Fabian Brambach
Collected Magnoliaceae and identified Myrtaceae
Gillian Brown
Collected Fabaceae and identified Ericaceae
Identified Euphorbiaceae
Isaac Henry Burkill
May 18, 1870 – March 08, 1965
United Kingdom; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Collected Dioscoreaceae and identified Dioscoreaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Ranunculaceae
Collected Moraceae and identified Moraceae
Collected Potamogetonaceae and identified Potamogetonaceae
Steven Dessein
Collected Rubiaceae and identified Rubiaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Poaceae
Collected Euphorbiaceae and identified Euphorbiaceae
Arthur Wallis Exell
May 21, 1901 – January 15, 1993
United Kingdom; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Collected Fabaceae and identified Combretaceae
Ib Friis
Collected Fabaceae and identified Urticaceae
Collected Myrtaceae and identified Araliaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Euphorbiaceae
Collected Rubiaceae and identified Lauraceae
Collected Myrtaceae and identified Rutaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Scrophulariaceae
Collected Thelypteridaceae and identified Thelypteridaceae
Collected Dilleniaceae and identified Dilleniaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Rubiaceae
Collected Anacardiaceae and identified Anacardiaceae
Collected Polypodiaceae and identified Polypodiaceae
Collected Amaranthaceae and identified Melastomataceae
Collected Ericaceae and identified Rosaceae
Niels Klazenga
Collected Dicranaceae and identified Dicranaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae