Collected Callichthyidae and identified Doradidae

Collected Gobiidae and identified Muraenidae

Collected Labrisomidae and identified Ophidiidae
Identified Hypopomidae
Collected Orchidaceae and identified Bulimulidae
Carlos DoNascimiento
Venezuela; Colombia

Collected Characidae and identified Trichomycteridae

Collected Apodidae and identified Characidae
Identified Carcharhinidae
Sven Kullander

Collected Characidae and identified Cichlidae
Identified Apteronotidae
Naercio Aquino Menezes

Collected Acestrorhynchidae and identified Acestrorhynchidae
Collected Gobiidae and identified Gobiidae
Collected Hypopomidae and identified Callichthyidae
Collected Cyprinidae and identified Doradidae
Collected Aeglidae and identified Palaemonidae
Brian L. Sidlauskas
United States

Collected Characidae and identified Anostomidae
Collected Sebastidae and identified Cyprinidae
Collected Formicidae and identified Formicidae
Collected Characidae and identified Characidae