Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Vestalis amoena Hagen in Selys 1853 Toussaint von Charpentier Hermann August Hagen 1853-12-31 Calopterygidae MCZ 30907 voucher of vestalis amoena| syntype of vestalis amoena| lectotype of vestalis amoena PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula veronensis Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 12463 voucher of libellula veronensis| syntype of libellula veronensis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula striolatum Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 708695 voucher of libellula striolatum| syntype of libellula striolatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula striolatum Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 708697 voucher of libellula striolatum| syntype of libellula striolatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula striolatum Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 708698 voucher of libellula striolatum| syntype of libellula striolatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula striolatum Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 708696 voucher of libellula striolatum| syntype of libellula striolatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula striolatum Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 708694 voucher of libellula striolatum| syntype of libellula striolatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula striolatum Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 708693 voucher of libellula striolatum| syntype of libellula striolatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula striolatum Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 12452 voucher of libellula striolatum| syntype of libellula striolatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula serpentina Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 648976 voucher of libellula serpentina| syntype of libellula serpentina PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula serpentina Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 12339 voucher of libellula serpentina| syntype of libellula serpentina PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula ruficollis Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 708692 voucher of libellula ruficollis| syntype of libellula ruficollis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula ruficollis Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 12451 voucher of libellula ruficollis| syntype of libellula ruficollis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula pectoralis Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 708747 voucher of libellula pectoralis| syntype of libellula pectoralis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula pectoralis Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 12433 voucher of libellula pectoralis| syntype of libellula pectoralis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula pectoralis Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 708748 voucher of libellula pectoralis| syntype of libellula pectoralis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula leucorhinus Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 12436 voucher of libellula leucorhinus| syntype of libellula leucorhinus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula caudalis Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Libellulidae MCZ 12429 voucher of libellula caudalis| syntype of libellula caudalis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula bimaculata Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Corduliidae MCZ 649008 voucher of libellula bimaculata| syntype of libellula bimaculata PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Libellula bimaculata Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Corduliidae MCZ 12414 voucher of libellula bimaculata| syntype of libellula bimaculata PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Lestes forcipula Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Lestidae MCZ 12148 voucher of lestes forcipula| [type status needs research] of lestes forcipula PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Epallage fatima Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1838-01-01/1838-12-31 1840-12-31 Euphaeidae MCZ 12083 voucher of epallage fatima| holotype of epallage fatima PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Calopteryx xanthostoma Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Calopterygidae MCZ 12052 voucher of calopteryx xanthostoma| syntype of calopteryx xanthostoma PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Agrion viridulum Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Coenagrionidae MCZ 12461 voucher of agrion viridulum| syntype of agrion viridulum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Agrion virens Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Lestidae MCZ 648991 voucher of agrion virens| syntype of agrion virens PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Agrion virens Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Lestidae MCZ 648992 voucher of agrion virens| syntype of agrion virens PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Agrion virens Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Lestidae MCZ 648990 voucher of agrion virens| syntype of agrion virens PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Agrion pulchrum Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Coenagrionidae MCZ 12253 voucher of agrion pulchrum| holotype of agrion pulchrum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Agrion phallatum Charpentier 1825 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1825-12-31 Lestidae MCZ 12462 voucher of agrion phallatum| [type status needs research] of agrion phallatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Agrion lunulatum Charpentier 1840 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Toussaint von Charpentier 1840-12-31 Coenagrionidae MCZ 12456 voucher of agrion lunulatum| syntype of agrion lunulatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN