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Science Enabled by Specimen Data

Esser, L. F., D. Bailly, M. R. Lima, and R. Ré. 2024. chooseGCM: A Toolkit to Select General Circulation Models in R. Global Change Biology 31.

Studies on climate change need to make projections based on predicted scenarios. One source of variability in these projections is the choice of general circulation models (GCMs). There is a lack of consensus on how to choose the GCMs. This is particularly notorious in species distribution modeling (SDM) studies. An ideal approach would be to encompass all GCMs, but this is exceedingly costly in terms of computational requirements. We propose a methodological framework, which allows the researcher to evaluate the variation in GCMs. The framework has been implemented in an R package, being an easily accessible tool. The proof of concept using SDMs returned an output correlation > 0.9 with the baseline, saving > 79% of computation time and allowing a broader range of hardware to perform robust projections. The chooseGCM package provides a set of functions to download and analyze GCM data, while also providing a wrapper function, helping both experienced and novice modelers. It facilitates the application and calculation of clusterization, correlation, distances, and exploratory information and can help researchers from different backgrounds since it relies solely on the availability of GCMs projections.

Streiff, S. J. R., E. O. Ravomanana, M. Rakotoarinivo, M. Pignal, E. P. Pimparé, R. H. J. Erkens, and T. L. P. Couvreur. 2024. High-quality herbarium-label transcription by citizen scientists improves taxonomic and spatial representation of the tropical plant family Annonaceae. Adansonia 46.

Herbarium specimens provide an important and central resource for biodiversity research. Making these records digitally available to end-users represents numerous challenges, in particular, transcribing metadata associated with specimen labels. In this study, we used the citizen science initiative ‘Les Herbonautes’ and the Récolnat network to transcribe specific data from all herbarium specimen labels stored at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris of the large tropical plant family Annonaceae. We compared this database with publicly available global biodiversity repository data and expert checklists. We investigated spatial and taxonomic advances in data availability at the global and country scales. A total of 20 738 specimens were transcribed over the course of more than two years contributing to and significantly extending the previously available specimen and species data for Annonaceae worldwide. We show that several regions, mainly in Africa and South East Asia not covered by online global datasets, are uniquely available in the P herbarium, probably linked to past history of the museum’s botanical exploration. While acknowledging the challenges faced during the transcription of historic specimens by citizen scientists, this study highlights the positive impact of adding records to global datasets both in space and time. This is illustrative for researchers, collection managers, policy makers as well as funders. These datasets will be valuable for numerous future studies in biodiversity research, including ecology, evolution, conservation and climate change science.

Bradshaw, C. D., D. L. Hemming, T. Mona, W. Thurston, M. K. Seier, D. P. Hodson, J. W. Smith, et al. 2024. Transmission pathways for the stem rust pathogen into Central and East Asia and the role of the alternate host, barberry. Environmental Research Letters 19: 114097.

Abstract After many decades of effective control of stem rust caused by the Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici, (hereafter Pgt) the reported emergence of race TTKSK/Ug99 of Pgt in Uganda reignited concerns about epidemics worldwide because ∼90% of world wheat cultivars had no resistance to the new race. Since it was initially detected in Uganda in 1998, Ug99 variants have now been identified in thirteen countries in Africa and the Middle East. Stem rust has been a major problem in the past, and concern is increasing about the risk of return to Central and East Asia. Whilst control programs in North America and Europe relied on the use of resistant cultivars in combination with eradication of barberry (Berberis spp.), the alternate host required for the stem rust pathogen to complete its full lifecycle, the focus in East Asia was principally on the use of resistant wheat cultivars. Here, we investigate potential airborne transmission pathways for stem rust outbreaks in the Middle East to reach East Asia using an integrated modelling framework combining estimates of fungal spore deposition from an atmospheric dispersion model, environmental suitability for spore germination, and crop calendar information. We consider the role of mountain ranges in restricting transmission pathways, and we incorporate a representation of a generic barberry species into the lifecycle. We find viable transmission pathways to East Asia from the Middle East to the north via Central Asia and to the south via South Asia and that an initial infection in the Middle East could persist in East Asia for up to three years due to the presence of the alternate host. Our results indicate the need for further assessment of barberry species distributions in East Asia and appropriate methods for targeted surveillance and mitigation strategies should stem rust incidence increase in the Middle East region.

Howard, C. C., P. Kamau, H. Väre, L. Hannula, A. Juslén, J. Rikkinen, and E. B. Sessa. 2024. Historical Biogeography of Sub‐Saharan African Spleenworts. Journal of Biogeography.

ABSTRACTAimFerns are globally distributed, yet the number of studies examining the historical evolution of African taxa is relatively low. Investigation of the evolution of African fern diversity is critical in order to understand patterns and processes that have global relevance (e.g., the pantropical diversity disparity [PDD] pattern). This study aims to examine when and from where a globally distributed fern lineage arrived in sub‐Saharan Africa, to obtain a better understanding of potential processes contributing to patterns of diversity across the region.LocationGlobal, sub‐Saharan Africa.TaxonAsplenium (Aspleniaceae).MethodsWe analysed five loci from 537 Asplenium taxa using a maximum likelihood (IQ‐Tree) phylogenetic framework. For age estimation, we performed penalised likelihood as implemented in treePL, and executed a Bayesian analysis using BEAST. Biogeographical analyses were carried out using BioGeoBEARS.ResultsMost dispersals into Africa occurred within the last ~55 myr, with the highest diversity of sub‐Saharan African taxa concentrated in two clades, each of which descended from an Asian ancestor. Additional dispersals to sub‐Saharan Africa can be found throughout the phylogeny. Lastly, potential cryptic species diversity exists within Asplenium as evidenced by several polyphyletic taxa.Main ConclusionsWe recover multiple dispersals of Asplenium to sub‐Saharan Africa, with two major lineages likely diversifying after arrival.

Kolanowska, M. 2024. Climate change will decrease the coverage of suitable niches for Asian medicinal orchid (Bulbophyllum odoratissimum) and its main phorophyte (Pistacia weinmannifolia). Scientific Reports 14.

Considering the global biodiversity crisis and the growing demand for medicinal plants, it is crucial to preserve therapeutically useful herbs. From a conservation management perspective under climate change, identifying areas that enable valuable natural resources to persist in the future is crucial. Machine learning-based models are commonly used to estimate the locations of climate refugia, which are critical for the effective species conservation. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of global warming on the epiphytic medicinal orchid— Bulbophyllum odoratissimum. Given how the long-term survival of plants inhabiting shrubs and trees depends on the availability of suitable phorophyets, in this research potential range changes in reported orchid plant hosts were evaluated. According to conducted analyses, global warming will cause a decline in the coverage of the suitable niches for B. odoratissimum and its main phorophyte. The most significant habitat loss in the case of the studied orchid and Pistacia weinmannifolia will be observed in the southern part of their geographical ranges and some new niches will simultaneously become available for these plants in the northern part. Climate change will significantly increase the overlap of geographical ranges of P. weinmannifolia and the orchid. In the SSP5-8.5 scenario trees will be available for more than 56% of the orchid population. Other analyzed phorophytes, will be available for B. odoratissimum to a very reduced extent, as orchids will only utilize these species as habitats only occasionally. This study provides data on the distribution of climatic refugia of B. odoratissimum under global warming. Moreover, this is the first evaluation of the future geographical ranges for its phorophytes. According to the conducted analyses, only one of the previously reported tree species which are inhabited by B. odoratissimum , P. weinmannifolia, can serve as a phorophyte for this orchid in the future. In this study, the areas designated as suitable for the occurrence of both orchids and their phorophytes should be considered priority conservation areas for the studied medicinal plants.

Mu, J., Z. Li, Q. Lu, H. Yu, C. Hu, Y. Mu, and J. Qu. 2024. Overlooked drivers of the greenhouse effect: The nutrient-methane nexus mediated by submerged macrophytes. Water Research 266: 122316.

Submerged macrophytes remediation is a commonly used technique for improving water quality and restoring habitat in aquatic ecosystems. However, the drivers of success in the submerged macrophytes assembly process and their specific impacts on methane emissions are poorly understood. Thus, we conducted a mesocosm experiment to test the growth plasticity and carbon fixation of widespread submerged macrophytes (Vallisneria natans) under different nutrient conditions. A refined dynamic chamber method was utilized to concurrently collect and quantify methane emission fluxes arising from ebullition and diffusion processes. Significant correlations were found between methane flux and variations in the physiological activities of V. nantas by the fluorescence imaging system. Our results show that exceeding tolerance thresholds of ammonia in the water significantly interfered with the photosynthetic systems in submerged leaves and the radial oxygen loss in adventitious roots. The recovery process of V. natans accelerated the consumption of dissolved oxygen, leading to increase in the populations of methanogen (153.3 % increase of mcrA genes) and subsequently elevating CH4 emission fluxes (23.7 %) under high nutrient concentrations. Conversely, V. natans increased the available organic carbon under low nutrient conditions by radial oxygen loss, further increasing CH4 emission fluxes (94.7 %). Quantitative genetic and modeling analyses revealed that plant restoration processes drive ecological niche differentiation of methanogenic and methane oxidation microorganisms, affecting methane release fluxes within the restored area. The speciation process of V. natans is incapable of simultaneously meeting improved water purification and reduced methane emissions goals.

Liu, Y., H. Wu, Z. Zhang, W. Wang, G. Han, C. Zhang, X. Lyu, et al. 2024. Traditional Use, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Clinical Applications of Persicae Semen: A Review. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine.

Persicae Semen (Taoren), the seed of mature peaches consumed as both food and medicine, is native to the temperate regions of China, distributed in the provinces of North and East China, and currently cultivated worldwide. The primary components of Persicae Semen include volatile oil, protein, amino acids, amygdalin, and prunasin, all of which have pharmacological properties, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune regulatory effects, and are clinically used in the treatment of gynecological, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, orthopedic, and digestive system diseases. This review provides a comprehensive perspective on the resource status, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology, as well as the trend of Persicae Semen patent, global distribution, and clinical applications. This review will help facilitate the development and utilization of Persicae Semen in clinical settings.

Renjana, E., E. R. Firdiana, M. H. Angio, L. W. Ningrum, I. Q. Lailaty, A. Rahadiantoro, I. Martiansyah, et al. 2024. Spatial habitat suitability prediction of essential oil wild plants on Indonesia’s degraded lands. PeerJ 12: e17210.

Background Essential oils are natural products of aromatic plants with numerous uses. Essential oils have been traded worldwide and utilized in various industries. Indonesia is the sixth largest essential oil producing country, but land degradation is a risk to the continuing extraction and utilization of natural products. Production of essential oil plants on degraded lands is a potential strategy to mitigate this risk. This study aimed to identify degraded lands in Indonesia that could be suitable habitats for five wild native essential oil producing plants, namely Acronychia pedunculata (L.) Miq., Baeckea frutescens L., Cynometra cauliflora L., Magnolia montana (Blume) Figlar, and Magnolia sumatrana var. glauca (Blume) Figlar & Noot using various species distribution models. Methods The habitat suitability of these species was predicted by comparing ten species distribution models, including Bioclim, classification and regression trees (CART), flexible discriminant analysis (FDA), Maxlike, boosted regression trees (BRT), multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), generalized linear models (GLM), Ranger, support vector machine (SVM), and Random Forests (RF). Bioclimatic, topographic and soil variables were used as the predictors of the model habitat suitability. The models were evaluated according to their AUC and TSS metrics. Model selection was based on ranking performance. The total suitable area for five native essential oil producing plants in Indonesia’s degraded lands was derived by overlaying the models with degraded land locations. Results The habitat suitability model for these species was well predicted with an AUC value >0.8 and a TSS value >0.7. The most important predictor variables affecting the habitat suitability of these species are mean temperature of wettest quarter, precipitation seasonality, precipitation of warmest quarter, precipitation of coldest quarter, cation exchange capacity, nitrogen, sand, and soil organic carbon. C. cauliflora has the largest predicted suitable area, followed by M. montana, B. frutescens, M. sumatrana var. glauca, and A. pedunculata. The overlapping area between predictive habitat suitability and degraded lands indicates that the majority of degraded lands in Indonesia’s forest areas are suitable for those species. Conclusion The degraded lands predicted as suitable habitats for five native essential oil producing plants were widely spread throughout Indonesia, mostly in its main islands. These findings can be used by the Indonesian Government for evaluating policies for degraded land utilization and restorations that can enhance the lands’ productivity.

Ramírez-Barahona, S. 2024. Incorporating fossils into the joint inference of phylogeny and biogeography of the tree fern order Cyatheales R. Warnock, and M. Zelditch [eds.],. Evolution.

Present-day geographic and phylogenetic patterns often reflect the geological and climatic history of the planet. Neontological distribution data are often sufficient to unravel a lineage’s biogeographic history, yet ancestral range inferences can be at odds with fossil evidence. Here, I use the fossilized birth–death process and the dispersal–extinction cladogenesis model to jointly infer the dated phylogeny and range evolution of the tree fern order Cyatheales. I use data for 101 fossil and 442 extant tree ferns to reconstruct the biogeographic history of the group over the last 220 million years. Fossil-aware reconstructions evince a prolonged occupancy of Laurasia over the Triassic–Cretaceous by Cyathealean tree ferns, which is evident in the fossil record but hidden from analyses relying on neontological data alone. Nonetheless, fossil-aware reconstructions are affected by uncertainty in fossils’ phylogenetic placement, taphonomic biases, and specimen sampling and are sensitive to interpretation of paleodistributions and how these are scored. The present results highlight the need and challenges of incorporating fossils into joint inferences of phylogeny and biogeography to improve the reliability of ancestral geographic range estimation.

Anest, A., Y. Bouchenak-Khelladi, T. Charles-Dominique, F. Forest, Y. Caraglio, G. P. Hempson, O. Maurin, and K. W. Tomlinson. 2024. Blocking then stinging as a case of two-step evolution of defensive cage architectures in herbivore-driven ecosystems. Nature Plants.

Dense branching and spines are common features of plant species in ecosystems with high mammalian herbivory pressure. While dense branching and spines can inhibit herbivory independently, when combined, they form a powerful defensive cage architecture. However, how cage architecture evolved under mammalian pressure has remained unexplored. Here we show how dense branching and spines emerged during the age of mammalian radiation in the Combretaceae family and diversified in herbivore-driven ecosystems in the tropics. Phylogenetic comparative methods revealed that modern plant architectural strategies defending against large mammals evolved via a stepwise process. First, dense branching emerged under intermediate herbivory pressure, followed by the acquisition of spines that supported higher speciation rates under high herbivory pressure. Our study highlights the adaptive value of dense branching as part of a herbivore defence strategy and identifies large mammal herbivory as a major selective force shaping the whole plant architecture of woody plants. This study explores the evolution of two traits, branching density and spine presence, in the globally distributed plant family Combretaceae. These traits were found to have appeared in a two-step process in response to mammalian herbivory pressure, revealing the importance of large mammals in the evolution of plant architecture diversity.