Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Dasyphyllum brasiliense (Spreng.) Cabrera Sellow, F.|n°997, in Roque Asteraceae MNHN P00703471 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Poiretia tetraphylla (Poir.) Burkart Sellow, F. (Coll. Moricand) ????-??-?? Fabaceae G G-G-272788/1 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Aspidosperma polyneuron Müll. Arg. Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. W. Marcondes-Ferreira (UEC) 1989-04 Apocynaceae W 0057125 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Lippia hieraciifolia Cham. Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. B. Wallnöfer (W) 1997 Verbenaceae W 0074838 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Vernonia sellowii Less. Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. M. Dematteis (CTES) 2004 Asteraceae W 0031991 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Oreodaphne acutifolia var. latifolia Nees Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.] P.L.R. Moraes (HUEFS) 2009-11-23 2009-11-23 Lauraceae GZU 000254304 isolectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Oreodaphne aciphylla Nees & Mart. Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.] P.L.R. Moraes (HUEFS) 2009-11-23 2009-11-23 Lauraceae GZU 000256426 isolectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Chamaecrista ramosa (Vogel) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. J. Walter (W) 2011-04 Fabaceae W 0028908 possibly a type specimen PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Psidium australe var. argenteum (O. Berg) Landrum Sellow,F.|Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.] V. G. Staggemeier (UFG) 2013-03 Myrtaceae W 0046096 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Meriania calophylla (Cham.) Triana Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. J. J. Triana 1868 Melastomataceae W 0009366 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Myrcia vittoriana Kiaersk. Sellow,F. 147|Sellow,F. annot. J. Walter (W) 2016-09 1814 Myrtaceae W 0016565 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Borreria eryngioides Cham. & Schltdl. Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. R. Salas (CTES) 2011-03-29 Rubiaceae W 1889-0285798 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Plinia edulis (Vell.) Sobral Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. annot. J. Walter (W) 2016-09 Myrtaceae W 0071577 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Solanum jussiaei Dunal Sellow,F. 145|Sellow,F. L. L. Giacomin (BHCB) 2013-02 Solanaceae W 1889-0291697 possibly a type specimen PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Actinostemon klotzschii (Didr.) Pax Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. annot. H. Rainer (W) 2015 Euphorbiaceae W 0059949 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Begonia paleata Schott ex A. DC. Sellow,F. Begoniaceae B B 10 0124370 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Myrcia multiflora (Lam.) DC. Sellow,F.|Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.] annot. P. Escobar García (W) 2012-07-25 Myrtaceae W 0040200 syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Aphelandra squarrosa var. laxior Nees Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.] Nees s.d. Acanthaceae GZU 000261012 fragment of a type specimen PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pseudopiptadenia leptostachya (Benth.) Rauschert Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. annot. J. Walter (W) 2014-06 Fabaceae W 0052662 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Calophanes amoenus Nees Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.] Nees s.d. Acanthaceae GZU 000280503 fragment of a type specimen PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pomaria rubicunda var. rubicunda (Vogel) B. B. Simpson & G. P. Lewis Sellow,F.|Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.] J. Walter (W) 2011-09 Fabaceae W 0030081 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Paspalum stellatum Humb. & Bonpl. ex Flüggé Sellow,F.|Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.] C. Mez 1906-07 Poaceae W 0023987 possibly a type specimen PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Begonia fruticosa (Klotzsch) A. DC. Sellow,F. Begoniaceae B B 10 0244013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Clethra scabra Pers. Sellow,F.|Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.] annot. L. Pignotti (W) 2013-12-09 Clethraceae W 0049523 isolectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Erythroxylum deciduum A. St.-Hil. Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. T. Plowman 1985 Erythroxylaceae W 0059803 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Begonia convolvulacea (Klotzsch) A. DC. Sellow,F. Begoniaceae B B 10 0242148 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Escallonia megapotamica Spreng. Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. annot. J. Walter (W) 2016-08 Escalloniaceae W 0059766 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. Sellow,F. Dicksoniaceae B B 20 0138606 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Glandularia platensis (Spreng.) Schnack & Covas Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.]|Sellow,F. annot. J. Walter (W) 2017-03 Verbenaceae W 0074923 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Eugenia neosericea Morais & Sobral Sellow,F.|Sellow,F. s.n. [s.d.] annot. J. Walter (W) 2016-09: = Drynaria meyeniana Myrtaceae W 0071572 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN