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Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Masdevallia caloptera Roezl Orchidaceae K K000077738 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Masdevallia caloptera Roezl Orchidaceae K K000077739 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Marsdenia cundurango Roezl Apocynaceae K K000438632 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Stelis hemicardia H. G. Reichenbach B. Roezl 2013-02-20 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00084233 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Odontoglossum amphigottii H. G. Reichenbach B. Roezl 2013-10-01 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00084719 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pleurothallis cardiantha H. G. Reichenbach B. Roezl 2011-03-02 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00083279 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pleurothallis canaligera H. G. Reichenbach B. Roezl 2011-03-02 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00083277 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Masdevallia xanthodactyla H. G. Reichenbach B. Roezl 2010-10-26 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00082945 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Masdevallia caloptera H. G. Reichenbach B. Roezl 2010-09-16 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00082876 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Masdevallia pachyura H. G. Reichenbach B. Roezl 2010-10-13 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00082915 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Stelis abrupta H. G. Reichenbach B. Roezl 2012-12-06 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00084033 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Masdevallia polysticta H. G. Reichenbach B. Roezl 2020-10-13 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00082919 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pleurothallis macroblepharis H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 2011-03-25 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00083382 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Physurus ortgiesii H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 2011-02-17 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00083228 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Masdevallia aspera H. G. Reichenbach ex Kraenzlin Roezl 2010-09-16 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00082870 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Anthurium incurvum Engl. B. Roezl Araceae F type [status unknown] PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Anthurium incurvum Engl. B. B. Roezl Araceae B 11951 type [status unknown] PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dalechampia roezliana Müll. Arg. B. Roezl 1865 Euphorbiaceae F type [status unknown] PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Homalomena Roezl, B. Araceae K K000950312 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Masdevallia livingstoneana Roezl & Rchb. f. Roezl,B.|Roezl,B. 74 Reichenbach fil. Orchidaceae W 0028829 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Cortaderia selloana subsp. jubata Roezl Linder, H.P. Poaceae K K000307978 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pleurothallis macroblepharis H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 1998 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074453 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Mayr) Franco Benedikt (Benedict, Benito) Roezl Elbert Luther Little Jr Pinaceae NHMUK BM000938841 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Oncidium dilatatum (Rchb. f.) M. W. Chase & N. H. Williams Rözl,B|Rözl,B s.n. [s.d.] annot. L. Pignotti (W) 2013-11 Orchidaceae W 0049413 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Mayr) Franco Benedikt (Benedict, Benito) Roezl Elbert Luther Little Jr Pinaceae NHMUK BM000938840 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Tillandsia ortgiesiana E. Morren ex Mez Roezl,B.|Roezl,B. s.n. [1873] 1873 Bromeliaceae WU 0007030 photograph/-copy of an isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Tillandsia ortgiesiana E. Morren ex Mez Roezl,B. s.n. [1873]|Roezl,B. 1873 Bromeliaceae WU 0007029 photograph/-copy of an isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Anthurium incurvum Roezl A. Engler 1882 Araceae CM CM352805 photo (b) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pinus don-pedrii Roezl Benedikt (Benedict, Benito) Roezl Elbert Luther Little Jr Pinaceae NHMUK BM000938846 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected cortaderia jubata (lemoine ex carri re) stapf Roezl Connor, H.E.; Edgar 16/1/1973 Poaceae K K000307978 lectotypus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN