Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected Turdus plebejus Alexander Von Frantzius Turdidae MNCR O3154 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Saltator coerulescens Alexander Von Frantzius Thraupidae MNCR O1854 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pselliophorus tibialis Alexander Von Frantzius Passerellidae MNCR O1557 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Celeus castaneus Alexander Von Frantzius Picidae MNCR O6493 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Aulacorhynchus prasinus caeruleogularis Frantzius 1864-05-08 Ramphastidae USNM USNM 34879 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Henicorhina leucophrys collina Frantzius Troglodytidae USNM USNM 30486 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Trochilus scintilla Frantzius 1867-10-25 Trochilidae AMNH Skin-46672 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Trochilus scintilla Frantzius 1867-09-25 Trochilidae AMNH Skin-46671 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Trochilus scintilla Frantzius 1867-11-18 Trochilidae AMNH Skin-46673 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Conuropsis hoffmani Frantzius 1866-08-01 Psittacidae AMNH Skin-44720 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Aves Frantzius AMNH Skin-44540 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Pharomachrus resplendens Frantzius 1865-12-24 Trogonidae AMNH Skin-44313 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Myiarchus nigricapillus Frantzius Tyrannidae AMNH Skin-42844 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Chlorophonia callophrys Frantzius Fringillidae AMNH Skin-40450 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Thripadectes rufobrunneus A. Von Frantzius Furnariidae USNM USNM 33389 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Mitrephanes phaeocercus aurantiiventris A. Von Frantzius 1864-01-04 Tyrannidae USNM USNM 39052 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Semnornis frantzii A. Von Frantzius Semnornithidae USNM USNM 33450 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Basileuterus melanogenys melanogenys A. Von Frantzius Parulidae USNM USNM 30497 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Elaenia frantzii frantzii A. Von Frantzius Tyrannidae USNM USNM 39047 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Geotrygon costaricensis A. Von Frantzius Columbidae USNM USNM 30431 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Philydor rufus rufescens J. Zeledon & A. Von Frantzius 1865-05-15 Furnariidae USNM USNM 39065 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Melanerpes formicivorus striatipectus Ridgway, 1874 A. von Frantzius Robert Ridgway 1865-05-15 1874 Picidae MCZ 71760 syntype of melanerpes formicivorus striatipectus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Brachydactylus mitratus Peters, 1863 don. A. von Frantzius Eublepharidae ZMB 185771 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Buteo jamaicensis costaricensis A. Von Frantzius Accipitridae USNM USNM 30409 cotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Margarornis rubiginosus rubiginosus A. Von Frantzius Furnariidae USNM USNM 33384 cotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Myioborus torquatus A. Von Frantzius Parulidae USNM USNM 30494 cotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Myioborus torquatus A. Von Frantzius Parulidae USNM USNM 30496 cotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Margarornis rubiginosus rubiginosus A. Von Frantzius Furnariidae USNM USNM 33385 cotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Tityra semifasciata costaricensis Ridgway, 1906 J. C. Zeledon, A. von Frantzius Catalog 1865-05-16 Cotingidae MCZ 72431 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Chlorospingus ophthalmicus regionalis A. von Frantzius Catalog 1889-04-06 Passerellidae MCZ 73934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN