Scientific Name Collected By Identified By Date Collected Date Identified Family Institution Catalog Number Type Status Basis Of Record
collected identified Ophraella communa LeSage, 1986 H. Ulke H. Ulke Chrysomelidae CASC CASENT8404098 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Prionus (Homaesthesis) emarginatus Say, 1824 Henry Ulke Antonio Santos-Silva, Eugenio H. Nearns, Ian P. Swift 2016-07-04 Cerambycidae MCZ 3816 syntype of prionus innocuus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Ateuchus histeroides Weber 1801 Henry Ulke Mario Cupello 2019-12-31 Scarabaeidae MCZ 743607 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Mordellistena conformis H. Ulke Mordellidae USNM type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dendroctonus haagi H. Ulke Curculionidae USNM lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Mordella carinata H. Ulke Mordellidae USNM holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Mordellistena pratensis H. Ulke Mordellidae USNM holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Mordellistena hirticula H. Ulke Mordellidae USNM holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dyschirius varidens Fall, 1910 H. Ulke Carabidae CASC CASENT8220869 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Triorophus laevis Ulke Tenebrionidae CASC CASENT8317623 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Cicindela rufiventris rufiventris||''||Dejean Ulke Murray, R. R. 1978-10-01 Carabidae OSUC OSUC 474916 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Hylocrinus Ulke Tenebrionidae CASC CASENT8295061 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Cicindela rufiventris rufiventris||''||Dejean Ulke Murray, R. R. 1978-10-01 Carabidae OSUC OSUC 474909 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Cicindela rufiventris rufiventris||''||Dejean Ulke Murray, R. R. 1978-10-01 Carabidae OSUC OSUC 474914 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Mecas confusa Chemsak and Linsley, 1973 Ulke (Carl Fuchs) Cerambycidae CASC CASENT8275283 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Oberea schaumii Garnett, 1918 Ulke (Carl Fuchs) Cerambycidae CASC CASENT8275285 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Limulodes paradoxus Matthew, 1867 Henry Ulke 1907-05-04 Ptiliidae FMNH FMNHINS 0003 856 227 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identified Conoecus ovipennis Horn, 1885 Henry Ulke Tenebrionidae FMNH FMNHINS 0004 113 621 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Elaphrus pallipes Horn 1878 Henry Ulke George H. Horn 1878 Carabidae MCZ 8126 syntype of elaphrus pallipes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Dyschirius hispidus LeConte 1863 Henry Ulke LeConte 1863 Carabidae MCZ 34045 syntype of dyschirius hispidus| lectotype of dyschirius hispidus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Oxoplus corallinus LeConte 1862 Henry Ulke LeConte 1862 Cerambycidae MCZ 3919 [type status needs research] of oxoplus corallinus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Olibrus vittatus LeConte 1868 Henry Ulke LeConte 1868 Phalacridae MCZ 6647 [type status needs research] of olibrus vittatus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Loricera neoscotica LeConte 1863 Henry Ulke LeConte 1863 Carabidae MCZ 5453 [type status needs research] of loricera neoscotica PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Asplenium septentrionale H. Ulke 1891 Aspleniaceae SD PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Trechus hydropicus H Ulke Carabidae KY UKIC_0006692 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Trechus hydropicus H Ulke Carabidae KY UKIC_0006242 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Bactridium californicum H. Ulke T. C. McElrath 2017 Monotomidae GMNH GMNH_UGCA 00004058 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collected Bactridium californicum H. Ulke T. C. McElrath 2017 Monotomidae GMNH GMNH_UGCA 00004057 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN