
Gosline, G., E. Bidault, X. van der Burgt, D. Cahen, G. Challen, N. Condé, C. Couch, et al. 2023. A Taxonomically-verified and Vouchered Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Republic of Guinea. Scientific Data 10.

The Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Republic of Guinea (CVPRG) is a specimen-based, expert-validated knowledge product, which provides a concise synthesis and overview of current knowledge on 3901 vascular plant species documented from Guinea (Conakry), West Africa, including their accepted names and synonyms, as well as their distribution and status within Guinea (indigenous or introduced, endemic or not). The CVPRG is generated automatically from the Guinea Collections Database and the Guinea Names Backbone Database, both developed and maintained at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in collaboration with the staff of the National Herbarium of Guinea. A total of 3505 indigenous vascular plant species are reported of which 3328 are flowering plants (angiosperms); this represents a 26% increase in known indigenous angiosperms since the last floristic overview. Intended as a reference for scientists documenting the diversity and distribution of the Guinea flora, the CVPRG will also inform those seeking to safeguard the rich plant diversity of Guinea and the societal, ecological and economic benefits accruing from these biological resources.

Ehoarn Bidault
Ehoarn Bidault

Gabon; Guinea; Liberia; Cameroon; Comoros


Collected Rubiaceae and identified Commelinaceae

Collected Poaceae and identified Acanthaceae

Collected Rubiaceae and identified Rubiaceae

Collected Rubiaceae and identified Rubiaceae

Anthonius Josephus Maria Leeuwenberg

August 11, 1930 – 2010

Kingdom of the Netherlands


Collected Apocynaceae and identified Apocynaceae

Stanisław Lisowski

February 11, 1924 – May 02, 2002



Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae

Collected Rubiaceae and identified Lamiaceae

Collected Poaceae and identified Rubiaceae

Collected Thymelaeaceae and identified Thymelaeaceae

Collected Lamiaceae and identified Lamiaceae

Collected Rubiaceae and identified Orchidaceae

Collected Fabaceae and identified Fabaceae