Guevara, L., and L. León‐Paniagua. 2019. How to survive a glaciation: the challenge of estimating biologically realistic potential distributions under freezing conditions. Ecography 42: 1237–1245.
Correlative ecological niche models are increasingly used to estimate potential distributions during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) for biogeographical research. In the case of presence‐background/pseudoabsences techniques, cold environments that are poorly represented in existing geography can comp…
Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
John R. Demboski
United States
Collected Sciuridae and identified Sciuridae
Collected Cricetidae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Arthur H Harris
United States
Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Muridae and identified Muridae
Jonathan A. Nations
United States
Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Bruce D. Patterson
United States
Collected Phyllostomidae and identified Phyllostomidae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Saxifragaceae