
Vásquez-Aguilar, A. A., J. F. Ornelas, F. Rodríguez-Gómez, and M. Cristina MacSwiney G. 2021. Modeling Future Potential Distribution of Buff-Bellied Hummingbird (Amazilia yucatanensis) Under Climate Change: Species vs. Subspecies. Tropical Conservation Science 14: 194008292110308.

Global climate change is associated with changes in precipitation patterns and an increase in extreme weather events, which might shift the geographic distribution of species. Despite the importance of this topic, information is lacking for many species, particularly tropical birds. Here, we develop…

Wilmot Wood Brown Jr.
Wilmot Wood Brown Jr.

May 19, 1868 – July 10, 1953

United States


Collected Tyrannidae and identified Cricetidae

Melbourne Armstrong Carriker

February 14, 1879 – July 27, 1965

United States


Collected Thraupidae and identified Passerellidae

George F. Gaumer

1850 – 1929


Collected Fabaceae and identified Carabidae

Allan Robert Phillips

October 25, 1914 – January 26, 1996

United States


Collected Parulidae and identified Parulidae

William Blaney Richardson

March 19, 1868 – December 01, 1927


Collected Thraupidae and identified Passerellidae

Josselyn Van Tyne

May 11, 1902 – January 30, 1957

United States


Collected Passerellidae and identified Ptilogonatidae

Cecil Frank Underwood

October 26, 1867 – August 19, 1943

United States


Collected Trochilidae and identified Trochilidae