Hortelano-Moncada, Y., A. S. Barragán-Saldaña, J. Fernández-Reyes, F. A. Cervantes-Reza, L. Barragán Guerrero, and M. V. Gómez-Naranjo. 2021. Mammal species richness and new records in protected natural areas of the northern part of the metropolitan area of the Valley of México. Therya 12: 537–551. https://doi.org/10.12933/therya-21-1074
Sierra de Guadalupe is the only mountain range in the northern part of the Valley of Mexico metropolitan area. The accelerated urban expansion over the past decades has turned Sierra de Guadalupe into an isolated natural area immersed within the urban matrix. This study aimed to gather a documented …

Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Tyrannidae and identified Cricetidae

Collected Cardinalidae
Collected Leporidae
Arthur H Harris
United States

Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Cyprinidae and identified Apidae

Collected Muridae and identified Muridae

Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae

Collected Thraupidae and identified Passerellidae
Collected Phyllostomidae and identified Arthrosphaeridae