Dibán, M. J., L. F. Hinojosa, V. Salazar-Vidal, and G. Palfner. 2020. Ripartites tricholoma (Alb. & Schwein.) P. Karst. (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) un nuevo registro de género y especie para Chile. Gayana. Botánica 77: 186–190. https://doi.org/10.4067/s0717-66432020000200186
Ripartites tricholoma collected in the Nature Reserve Altos de Cantillana, near Santiago is described as a first record of this fungal genus and species for Chile. This is a contribution to the knowledge of fungal diversity in Nothofagus macrocarpa dominated forest close to its northern limit of dis…

Collected Pezizaceae and identified Mycosphaerellaceae
David Boertmann

Collected Agaricaceae and identified Hygrophoraceae
Collected Russulaceae and identified Polyporaceae
Collected Pucciniaceae and identified Lachnaceae
Jerry Cooper
New Zealand
Collected Mycenaceae and identified Cortinariaceae

Collected Sphaeriidae and identified Cortinariaceae

Collected Agaricaceae
Collected Parmeliaceae and identified Parmeliaceae

Collected Russulaceae
Peter Johnston
New Zealand
Collected Rhytismataceae and identified Rhytismataceae

Collected Parmeliaceae and identified Cladoniaceae
Collected Russulaceae and identified Russulaceae

Collected Cortinariaceae and identified Cortinariaceae
Collected Parmeliaceae and identified Rhizocarpaceae

Collected Boletaceae and identified Boletaceae