Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Pottiaceae and identified Pottiaceae
Collected Pottiaceae and identified Pottiaceae
Viktor Ferdinand Brotherus
October 28, 1849 – February 09, 1929
Finland; Grand Principality of Finland; Russian Empire
Collected Bryaceae and identified Pottiaceae
Collected Pottiaceae and identified Sphagnaceae
Collected Euphorbiaceae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Polytrichaceae
Collected Thuidiaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Ranunculaceae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Fabaceae
Collected Pottiaceae and identified Lejeuneaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Orthotrichaceae
Collected Macrobiotidae and identified Megachilidae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Amaranthaceae and identified Apiaceae
Collected Lejeuneaceae and identified Pylaisiadelphaceae
Collected Cladoniaceae and identified Acanthaceae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Didymiaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Alstroemeriaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Bryaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Rubiaceae and identified Araceae
Collected Bartramiaceae and identified Bartramiaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Verbenaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Pucciniaceae
Collected Parmeliaceae and identified Parmeliaceae
Collected Cladoniaceae and identified Lobariaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Apiaceae
Collected Pucciniaceae and identified Jungermanniaceae
Collected Lejeuneaceae and identified Gymnomitriaceae