Collected Thamnophilidae and identified Thamnophilidae
Rudiger Bieler
United States
Collected Veneridae and identified Architectonicidae
Collected Muricidae and identified Fissurellidae
Collected Apidae and identified Dipsocoridae
Collected Muridae and identified Muridae
Collected Cichlidae and identified Poeciliidae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Rhinonycteridae and identified Miniopteridae
Alfred Newton
United States
Collected Hydrophilidae and identified Staphylinidae
Collected Rubiaceae and identified Fabaceae
Robert Salm
United States
Collected Ganodermataceae and identified Trypetheliaceae
Collected Lucinidae and identified Pisauridae
Margaret K Thayer
United States
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Staphylinidae
Collected Phascolosomatidae and identified Xylophagaidae
Collected Arecaceae and identified Arecaceae
Collected Characidae and identified Characidae