Collected Chrysomelidae and identified Plantaginaceae
Collected Partulidae and identified Pyralidae
Yusseff Aguirre
Collected Curculionidae
Collected Ichneumonidae and identified Ichneumonidae
Collected Apidae and identified Erotylidae
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Curculionidae
Collected Curculionidae and identified Curculionidae
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Staphylinidae
Collected Scarabaeidae
Collected Carabidae
Thomas Lane Bancroft
January 02, 1860 – November 12, 1933
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; Australia
Collected Fabaceae and identified Kathlaniidae
Collected Ceratopogonidae and identified Pentatomidae
Collected Poaceae and identified Phoxocephalidae
Collected Anthribidae and identified Curculionidae
Collected Tenebrionidae and identified Dermestidae
Collected Curculionidae and identified Buprestidae
Collected Geometridae and identified Geometridae
Collected Curculionidae and identified Curculionidae
Collected Carabidae and identified Cerambycidae
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Curculionidae
Collected Nitidulidae and identified Dytiscidae
Collected Andrenidae and identified Crabronidae
Collected Andrenidae and identified Andrenidae
Collected Chrysomelidae and identified Acrididae
Alex V. Borisenko
Collected Noctuidae and identified Cricetidae
Harry Brailovsky
Collected Pentatomidae and identified Coreidae
Collected Formicidae and identified Formicidae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Fabaceae
Collected Carabidae and identified Curculionidae
Collected Carabidae