Collected Nymphalidae and identified Cidaridae
Collected Cichlidae and identified Cidaridae
Collected Olividae and identified Muridae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Labridae and identified Characidae
Collected Orchidaceae and identified Caryophylliidae
Collected Astropectinidae
Collected Cichlidae and identified Emballonuridae
Karla B. Jaramillo
Ecuador; Ireland; Colombia; Peru; Japan
Collected Plexauridae and identified Parazoanthidae
Collected Curculionidae and identified Xanthonychidae
Collected Muricidae and identified Lottiidae
Collected Poritidae
Collected Xanthidae and identified Holothuriidae
Collected Asteriidae and identified Portunidae
Collected Gobiidae and identified Haemulidae
Collected Polygyridae and identified Gastrodontidae
Collected Asteriidae and identified Geryonidae
Collected Colubridae and identified Faviidae
Collected Pottiaceae and identified Chondropsidae
Collected Protoscutellidae