Collected Sparidae
Collected Nectariniidae and identified Columbidae
Collected Characidae and identified Loricariidae
Collected Cyprinidae and identified Cyprinidae
Collected Cichlidae and identified Percidae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Eumenidae
Collected Poaceae and identified Achatinidae
Collected Pycnonotidae
Collected Chamaeleonidae
Collected Chrysomelidae and identified Trochilidae
Collected Cyprinidae and identified Cyprinidae
Collected Papilionidae and identified Acrididae
Collected Alestidae and identified Cichlidae
Collected Muridae and identified Culicidae
Sven Kullander
Collected Characidae and identified Cichlidae
Collected Hyperoliidae and identified Hyperoliidae
Collected Hyperoliidae and identified Agamidae
Collected Formicidae and identified Fagaceae
Borys Malkin
November 20, 1917 – August 12, 2009
Second Polish Republic; United States of America; Poland
Collected Dytiscidae and identified Coccinellidae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Poaceae
Luis Moreira da Costa
Collected Cyprinidae and identified Cyprinidae
Collected Cichlidae and identified Cichlidae
Collected Bovidae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Meropidae
Collected Unionidae and identified Unionidae
Collected Cyprinidae and identified Cyprinidae
Collected Muridae and identified Hipposideridae
Brian L. Sidlauskas
United States
Collected Characidae and identified Anostomidae
John P. Sullivan
United States
Collected Mormyridae and identified Mormyridae
Ethelwynn Trewavas
November 05, 1900 – August 16, 1993
United Kingdom; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Collected Cichlidae and identified Cichlidae