Collected Partulidae and identified Pyralidae
Collected Listrophoridae and identified Curculionidae
Helen M. Barber-James
South Africa; United Kingdom
Collected Chironomidae and identified Baetidae
Collected Poaceae and identified Phoxocephalidae
Collected Fagaceae
Collected Loxoconchidae and identified Protocytheridae
Matthew Bowser
United States
Collected Apidae
Collected Formicidae and identified Apidae
Collected Chydoridae and identified Chydoridae
Collected Equidae and identified Dactyloidae
Simon Grove
Collected Chrysomelidae and identified Curculionidae
Paul Hebert
Collected Phoridae and identified Cicadellidae
Collected Mithracidae and identified Cassiopeidae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Podocarpaceae
Penelope Margaret Jenkin
April 20, 1902 – October 22, 1994
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; United Kingdom
Collected Lophopodidae
Collected Parallelodontidae and identified Productidae
Collected Ranidae and identified Stomiidae
Kara Layton
United Kingdom
Collected Polynoidae and identified Littorinidae
Collected Carabidae and identified Dytiscidae
Collected Tenthredinidae and identified Tenthredinidae
Collected Xanthidae and identified Holothuriidae
Collected Lithoglyptidae and identified Balanidae
Collected Halichondriidae and identified Oedicerotidae
Collected Xanthidae and identified Holothuriidae
Collected Noctuidae and identified Chironomidae
Collected Cottidae and identified Aetideidae
Martin Schwentner
Collected Cyzicidae and identified Cyzicidae
Collected Daphniidae and identified Oncaeidae
Collected Polygyridae and identified Gastrodontidae
Crystal N. Sobel
Collected Entomobryidae and identified Entomobryidae