Collected Nymphalidae and identified Cidaridae
Collected Cichlidae and identified Cidaridae
Collected Parulidae and identified Parulidae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Vespertilionidae
Collected Characidae and identified Loricariidae
Collected Elaeocarpaceae and identified Elaeocarpaceae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Helen M. Barber-James
South Africa; United Kingdom
Collected Chironomidae and identified Baetidae
Collected Parulidae and identified Pyramidellidae
Collected Libellulidae and identified Chrysomelidae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Eumenidae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Asteraceae
Collected Tenthredinidae and identified Parmeliaceae
Collected Talitridae and identified Talitridae
Matthew Bowser
United States
Collected Apidae
Collected Orchidaceae and identified Orchidaceae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Dactyloidae
Collected Ranidae and identified Ranidae
Collected Passerellidae and identified Parulidae
Collected Naididae
Emmy Delekta
United States
Collected Cambaridae and identified Cambaridae
Collected Salamandridae and identified Dytiscidae
Collected Apidae and identified Pompilidae
Iván Gerardo González
Collected Chironomidae and identified Chironomidae
Paul Hebert
Collected Phoridae and identified Cicadellidae
Collected Passerellidae and identified Fringillidae
Collected Polygyridae and identified Polygyridae
Collected Cricetidae
Collected Sciaridae and identified Dytiscidae
Heinrich Kuhl
September 17, 1797 – September 14, 1821
Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel; Electorate of Hesse
Collected Cyprinidae