Collected Sciuridae
Collected Vespertilionidae and identified Saccolomataceae
Collected Vespertilionidae and identified Acrididae
Collected Muridae and identified Muridae
Collected Carabidae and identified Muridae
Collected Hipposideridae
Collected Bovidae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Gomphotheriidae
Collected Anthocoridae
Collected Hipposideridae
Collected Cisticolidae
Collected Hipposideridae and identified Ericaceae
Collected Hipposideridae
William Frank Harding Ansell
June 23, 1923 – December 12, 1996
United Kingdom; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Collected Hipposideridae and identified Hipposideridae
Collected Nectariniidae and identified Columbidae
Collected Hipposideridae
Collected Hipposideridae and identified Rhinolophidae
Collected Hipposideridae
Collected Vespertilionidae
Kyle Armstrong
Collected Hipposideridae and identified Hipposideridae
Collected Hipposideridae
Collected Rhinolophidae
Collected Hipposideridae
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Staphylinidae
Collected Hipposideridae
Collected Lemuridae
Collected Colubridae and identified Emydidae
Collected Rhinolophidae and identified Rhinolophidae
Collected Hipposideridae
Collected Rhinolophidae