Collected Geometridae and identified Geometridae
Collected Carabidae and identified Cerambycidae
Collected Histeridae and identified Staphylinidae
Collected Piperaceae and identified Euphorbiaceae
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Curculionidae
Collected Carabidae and identified Tenebrionidae
Collected Nitidulidae and identified Dytiscidae
Collected Ichneumonidae and identified Brentidae
Collected Chrysomelidae and identified Acrididae
Collected Formicidae and identified Formicidae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Fabaceae
Collected Carabidae
Collected Poaceae and identified Braconidae
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Staphylinidae
Thomas Buckley
New Zealand
Collected Curculionidae and identified Phasmatidae
Collected Libellulidae and identified Gelechiidae
Collected Ixodorhynchidae and identified Parantennulidae
Collected Chrysomelidae
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Staphylinidae
Collected Buprestidae
Collected Scarabaeidae and identified Scarabaeidae
Collected Dytiscidae and identified Dytiscidae
Collected Dytiscidae and identified Coccinellidae
Collected Dytiscidae and identified Coccinellidae
Collected Cerambycidae and identified Scarabaeidae
Collected Scarabaeidae
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Histeridae
Collected Scarabaeidae and identified Buprestidae
Collected Chrysomelidae and identified Tenebrionidae
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Staphylinidae