Collected Nymphalidae and identified Cidaridae
Collected Nereididae and identified Nereididae
Collected Parulidae and identified Pyramidellidae
Collected Acroporidae and identified Acroporidae
Collected Xanthidae and identified Psammocoridae
Collected Parulidae and identified Paridae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Fabaceae
Collected Xanthidae and identified Sabellidae
Collected Syllidae and identified Syllidae
Collected Cosmetidae and identified Parajulidae
Collected Thoridae and identified Lottiidae
Collected Cypraeidae and identified Amphiuridae
Collected Unionidae and identified Orthalicidae
Collected Astropectinidae
Collected Rubiaceae and identified Droseraceae
Collected Astropectinidae
Collected Chitonidae and identified Octopodidae
Collected Porcellanidae and identified Holothuriidae
Collected Cribrilinidae and identified Folliculinidae
Collected Portunidae and identified Portunidae
Collected Serpulidae
Collected Xanthidae and identified Muridae
Jessica Goodheart
United States
Collected Holothuriidae and identified Facelinidae
Collected Coccinellidae and identified Sclerosomatidae
Collected Poritidae and identified Saxifragaceae
Collected Pectinidae and identified Bulimulidae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Rutaceae
Collected Plethodontidae and identified Uloboridae
Collected Semelidae and identified Terebellidae
Collected Mithracidae and identified Cassiopeidae