Collected Carabidae and identified Muridae
Umilaela Arifin
Collected Scincidae
Thomas Lane Bancroft
January 02, 1860 – November 12, 1933
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; Australia
Collected Fabaceae and identified Kathlaniidae
Collected Dactyloidae and identified Dactyloidae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Scincidae and identified Gekkonidae
Collected Dipterocarpaceae and identified Arecaceae
Collected Columbidae
Collected Labridae and identified Labridae
Collected Scincidae
Collected Scincidae and identified Viperidae
Collected Dicroglossidae and identified Ceratobatrachidae
Collected Poaceae and identified Poaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Asteraceae
Evelyn Cheesman
October 08, 1881 – April 15, 1969
United Kingdom; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Collected Formicidae and identified Megachilidae
Marina Cheng
Collected Scincidae
Collected Cypraeidae and identified Amphiuridae
Collected Oecophoridae and identified Crambidae
Collected Rhinolophidae and identified Scincidae
Collected Myrtaceae and identified Myrtaceae
Collected Macropodidae and identified Scolopacidae
Collected Carabidae and identified Carabidae
Collected Tenebrionidae and identified Cerambycidae
Collected Fabaceae
John Early
New Zealand
Collected Diapriidae and identified Diapriidae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Echimyidae
Collected Cambaridae and identified Asellidae
Collected Labridae and identified Pyuridae
Brian Gill
New Zealand
Collected Gekkonidae
Collected Pelodryadidae and identified Chrysomelidae