Collected Cicadellidae
Collected Geometridae and identified Geometridae
Collected Capniidae and identified Parmeliaceae
Collected Vespidae and identified Eurytomidae
Collected Formicidae
Julia G. Betz
United States
Collected Noctuidae and identified Noctuidae
Collected Tenthredinidae and identified Parmeliaceae
Collected Chrysomelidae and identified Acrididae
Alex V. Borisenko
Collected Noctuidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Ixodidae and identified Andrenidae
Matthew Bowser
United States
Collected Apidae
Collected Limnephilidae and identified Leuctridae
Collected Limnephilidae and identified Limnephilidae
Trevor Bringloe
Collected Hydropsychidae and identified Hydropsychidae
Collected Apidae and identified Panorpidae
Collected Aeshnidae and identified Aeshnidae
Collected Cerambycidae and identified Scarabaeidae
William Edward China
December 07, 1895 – September 17, 1979
United Kingdom; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Collected Limnephilidae and identified Pentatomidae
Collected Syrphidae and identified Syrphidae
Collected Formicidae and identified Apidae
Collected Erebidae and identified Chrysomelidae
Collected Tabanidae and identified Tabanidae
Collected Hydropsychidae and identified Perlidae
Collected Cicadellidae and identified Cicadellidae
Collected Salamandridae and identified Dytiscidae
Collected Noctuidae and identified Noctuidae
Horace Donisthorpe
March 17, 1870 – April 22, 1951
United Kingdom; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Collected Formicidae and identified Formicidae
Collected Histeridae and identified Cleridae
Torbjørn Ekrem
Collected Chironomidae and identified Chironomidae
Collected Ichneumonidae and identified Limnephilidae