Collected Palaeotrochidae and identified Atrypidae
Collected Cichlidae and identified Cidaridae
Collected Nymphalidae and identified Cidaridae
Collected Gobiidae and identified Gobiidae
Collected Conulariidae and identified Aulacopleuridae
Collected Parulidae and identified Pyramidellidae
Collected Ursidae and identified Rutoceratidae
Collected Ostreidae
Collected Spirigerellidae and identified Goniatitidae
Collected Pyramidellidae and identified Pyramidellidae
Collected Pectinidae and identified Mytilidae
Collected Poaceae and identified Polygonaceae
Collected Cambaridae and identified Asellidae
Collected Atelidae and identified Atelidae
Collected Martiniidae and identified Ceratitidae
Collected Lauraceae and identified Julidae
Gonzalo Giribet
United States
Collected Triaenonychidae and identified Neopilionidae
Collected Pleurotomariidae
Collected Cichlidae and identified Emballonuridae
Collected Clausiliidae and identified Hydrocenidae
Collected Arbaciidae and identified Arbaciidae
Collected Parallelodontidae and identified Productidae
Charles Francis Laseron
December 06, 1887 – June 27, 1959
Australia; United States of America; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Collected Myrtaceae and identified Triphoridae
Collected Ampithoidae and identified Platylepadidae
Collected Coelostylinidae
Collected Iguanodontidae and identified Ornithocheiridae
Collected Asteraceae
Collected Rhomboporidae and identified Acanthocladiidae
Collected Kossmaticeratidae
Collected Hildoceratidae