Collected Cricetidae and identified Vespertilionidae
Collected Characidae and identified Loricariidae
Collected Capniidae and identified Parmeliaceae
Collected Parulidae and identified Pyramidellidae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Eumenidae
Collected Piperaceae and identified Euphorbiaceae
Collected Tyrannidae and identified Asteraceae
Harry Brailovsky
Collected Pentatomidae and identified Coreidae
Collected Asteraceae and identified Fagaceae
Collected Scolopacidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Poaceae and identified Braconidae
Collected Plethodontidae and identified Emydidae
Collected Thraupidae and identified Tyrannidae
Collected Pseudothelphusidae
Collected Tyrannidae and identified Passerellidae
Collected Carabidae and identified Carabidae
Collected Orchidaceae and identified Orchidaceae
Collected Colubridae and identified Orchidaceae
Collected Coenagrionidae and identified Coenagrionidae
Collected Acrididae and identified Formicidae
Collected Equidae and identified Dactyloidae
Collected Fabaceae and identified Pseudoxyrhophiidae
Collected Pseudothelphusidae and identified Calopterygidae
Collected Coccinellidae and identified Sclerosomatidae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Collected Staphylinidae and identified Scarabaeidae
Collected Mithracidae and identified Cassiopeidae
Konstanty Jelski
February 17, 1837 – November 26, 1896
Russian Empire; Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria
Collected Thraupidae and identified Poaceae
Collected Apidae and identified Apidae
Collected Ampithoidae and identified Platylepadidae