Collected Poaceae and identified Dermestidae
Bello-Escobar, S.
Collected Lumbrineridae and identified Lumbrineridae
Collected Talitridae and identified Talitridae
Collected Psychodidae and identified Psychodidae
Collected Serpulidae
Collected Sphaeromatidae and identified Cucumariidae
Collected Acroporidae and identified Amphinomidae
Collected Cladoniaceae and identified Spheniscidae
Collected Ampithoidae and identified Platylepadidae
Collected Iphimediidae
Collected Cucumariidae and identified Rissoidae
Collected Cricetidae and identified Cricetidae
Edgar Ravenswood Waite
May 05, 1866 – January 19, 1928
United Kingdom; Australia; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Collected Microcionidae and identified Typhlopidae
Collected Cucumariidae